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impossible takes time

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Q: How do you get weed out of your system in 2 hours?
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Related questions

How do you clear weed out of your system out in 48 hours?

You cannot.

How long will 2-4 hits of weed stay in your system?

it depends if you smoked it on the same day it will stay in your system upto 3 months but only be traceable for 1 month. :) weed<3

How long will 3 hit of weed stay in your system?

24 hours

How long does weed keep you high?

2 hours

How long does it take azo to clean your system for weed?

Nothing can clean your system of weed except time. There are products that can make it undetectable in your urine for a few hours, but that's it.

How long are you high for with weed?

forever (2 hours)

How long does it take to get weed out of your system if you drink water?

2 weeks

Will you test positive 12 hours after smoking marijuana?

most likely yes, it does depend how much u smoked and the strength of the weed or(THC) that's in the weed weed can stay in ur system for about a month, one or two hits may not be in ur system as much as a joint

What pill clean weed out of system?

Quit smoking at least 48 hours before test. then If you take 4 aspirin and drink a lot of water prior to your drug screen you will pass with a false negative. However it only works while the aspirin are in your system. take 2 aspirin 2 hours before test, and drink a half of gallon of water. take 2 more aspirin 30 mins before test and drink another half gallon of water. Passed two test this way.

How long does weed stay in your system if you take 1 hit?

Depending on the THC toxicity of the weed, no more than 2 weeks.

How long will weed stay in your system if you havent smoked in 2 months and you took 5 hits off a joint?

Doesn't matter how long since you last smoked. Weed stays in your system from 2 weeks to a month.

How long does it take marijuana and meth to leave your system?

well,weed takes about a month,and meth keeps you high for up 2 72 hours,depending on how much you took. so,awhile...