

How do you get wifi for Pokemon Battle Revolution?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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Well first you need a router which allows you to play online and such. (There should be a wifi area in the game if that's what your asking.)

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By not hacking them

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if you have Pokemon pearl or diamond you can connect 'em up and send legendarys from your ds to Pokemon battle revolution. :)

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If your doing a random wifi battle with someone you dont know, then no. If your doing a friend battle, then yes, go under the rules and change them according to how you want them ;)

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There's a certain pokémon that isn't allowed. REMOVE IT!

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transfer them from your Nintendo ds Pokemon games by connecting the two systems through wifi.

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they either caught it on a Pokemon ds game / hacked it and copied it onto the Pokemon battle revolution and used it on wifi. its possible

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Pokemon that don't have max EVs or IVs. If you don't hack, then you can use any Pokemon you have.

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yes you can but it would be very unfair on people who trained their own Pokemon's their self's

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Use the wifi connectivity from your ds to your wii and you can battle with the Pokemon from Pokemon pearl, diamond, platinum, heartgold, and soulsilver versions

Why can't you use Suicune over Wi-Fi in Pokemon Battle Revolution?

As far as I know, you can. I have a suicune and i can battle with it everywhere,even wifi.

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Not unless you don't cover your tracks...

Can you copy Pokemon from Pokemon ranger to Pokemon Battle Revolution?

No, you can only copy them to Pokemon Diamond, not Pokemon Battle Revolution. But, if you want to, then send them from Diamond to Battle Revolution!