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Plastic changes colors over time. However, you can try cleaning the appliance with a baking soda paste to see if it helps. It is a major degreaser.

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Q: How do you get yellow age stains off of plastic appliances such as food processors toasters or blenders?
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What plastic is used to make toasters?

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What are blenders made from?

Blenders can be made from either glass or plastic. The blades of a blender are usually made from metal and are very sharp.

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The company Poly Plastic produces and developes automotive parts and components, electrical and electronic appliances, railway appliances, civil construction appliances, major domestic appliances and masterbatches.

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Why are toasters made of metal?

to make it look good but under the metal is plastic so it is perfectly safe

Explain why the outside cases of electric appliances ususally are made of plastic?

Plastic is a good insulator and a bad conductor of electricity, which makes it a good material to protect people from electric shocks when handling appliances. On top of that, plastics are inexpensive and easy to shape.

What can phenolic plastic be used for?

Phenolic plastic is very strong and has high heat resistance. It has many applications including automotive and electrical. It is also used in appliances, laminates, and housings.

What are plastic moldings used for?

Plastic moldings are often used for the creation of small parts. These can include the manufacture of toys, electrical appliances, computers and a whole range of different items.

What type of newspaper is the Plastic News?

The Plastic News is a newspaper that covers stories about processors, suppliers, companies, and end markets. One could visit their official website for more information regarding this newspaper.

What are toasters made out of?

aluminum i think... aluminum i think... aluminum i think... aluminum i think... aluminum i think... aluminum i think...

What is the most highest elements present in computers today?

Silicon and carbon because Silicon is used in processors and carbon in the plastic cabinet of a computer!

Could you tell me what an electronic enclosure is?

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