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A doctor will general run a blood test to check your cholesterol levels. This is called a lipid panel or a lipid profile. There are also test kits that you can use at home to have analysed at a lab, like this one:

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Q: How do you get your cholesterol checked?
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How often should people over 20 years have their cholesterol checked?

The best way for one to find out how often to visit their doctor to have their cholesterol checked would be to ask the doctor. Depending on how high one's cholesterol is varies on how often it needs to be checked. Most people at least have their cholesterol checked every two years.

What is HDL cholesterol, and its symptoms?

HDL cholesterol is when there is more bad cholesterol than good cholesterol. There really are no symptoms to this disorder. To determine if you have high cholesterol go to the doctor and have it checked out.

What is HDL cholesterol and how do you find how much you have?

HDL cholesterol refers to a certain type of cholesterol found in the blood. To have your HDL cholesterol checked, schedule an appointment with your doctor.

How can I self-evaluate my cholesterol level?

A person can self-evaluate their cholesterol level by purchasing a diagnostic testing kit from a pharmacy. Cholesterol can also be checked by looking out for symptoms such as obesity and shortness of breath.

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having your cholesterol checked during a medical checkup

Which is example of gaining awareness about a health problem?

having your cholesterol checked during a medical checkup

Which is an example of gaining awareness about a health problem?

having your cholesterol checked during a medical checkup

How often is it recommended to get a cholesterol test?

Everyone over 20 should get their cholesterol checked at least once every five years. I suppose the older you become, the more important it is, as well.

Where can I find info on normal cholesterol numbers?

A person should have their cholesterol checked every five years after they reach a certain age in life, in the form of blood test. Our bodies store fats from foods we eat. There is both good and bad cholesterol. a good number is below 100, and bad would range from 160-189, and very high cholesterol above 100. Cholesterol can be controlled and maintained with the aid of medication, if needed.

what are some food low cholestrol diets?

Diet and exercise are equally important when attempting to lower your cholesterol. Avoid high cholesterol foods, and exercise moderation during portion control. Speak with your doctor regularly, and have your levels checked as recommended.

Can we use mahanarayan oil for curing impotency?

No it doesnt work, get your testosterone checked first, that and side effects from meds like cholesterol meds is the most likely problem

With what frequency should one go to the Doctor for a health check?

Individuals must have their blood pressure checked every year. One should have a physical exam every five years, and one's cholesterol levels must be checked every five years as well.