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I am not sure if you can "get" anyone to do this if they don't want to. You can try to explain your desire to her and how important it is to you. Maybe she would be agreeable to trying a mild form of you being her slave to see if it is something she would enjoy also. I don't think that you can. Why would you want to be a slave? Communication is the best method to get your wife to fulfull your desires. Set terms and boundries - and take it from there. Talk to each other. If there's hesitation, try comprimise. I enjoyed the book, the Loving Dominant, by John Warren, and it had an entire chapter on this subject. In fact, he saves you the trouble, the chapter is for a submissive (of either sex) to give to someone "vanilla" that he or she wants to serve, and he explains it (submission and dominance) for you in very non-threatening terms. So, if you're afraid you'll muck it up, he does all the work and you've just got to stand there looking nervous while she reads it!

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13y ago

just start to obey what ever she says

than help her in house work

never say NO to her

treat her as she is the boss , soon u will realize your wife is dominant and u the



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