

How do you give cats a bath?

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11y ago

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you can give cats baths by just putting them in a bathroom sink and just put cat shampoo on them and give them a bath but be careful because cats don't like baths but only give cats baths when needed.CATS are really good at giving themselves a bath.

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11y ago

The same way you give a dog a bath: fill up the tub with a few inches of water. Lather up the cat with shampoo or bath soap (nothing harsh). Then drain the tub and fill it again to rinse. If necessary, keep draining it and refilling it until all of the soap is rinsed off. If you have a shower attachment, you can use that to help rinse the cat off faster.

Please remember that cats do NOT need to be bathed. They wash themselves with their tongues, and they do a great job at it. You only bathe a cat when it has gotten into something really filthy and it is just too dirty to wash itself. For example, if it has been rolling around in dirt or mud, or if it has peed all over itself, or been sprayed by a skunk.

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a nice and warm, but not to warm flea bath(: i love cats

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you can handle a cat by feeding it giving it water and some people consider to give there cats bath because some cats like water.

Do cats like to have a bath?

Not usually. Some cats do, but most do not.

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No, but be very careful, does your cat really need a bath, cats normally take really good care of their own grooming, check with your vet first.

Do cats have a bath?

yes. but not in a bath tub. cats have brush like hairs along their tongue that they brush their fur with. cats may over lick themselves if stressed.

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How do you gave a cat bath?

The same way you give a dog a bath... with water, shampoo, soap, etc. But the soap needs to be designed for cats. I'd do it quickly though. They always try to jump out of the tub.