

How do you give baby frogs water?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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To give baby frogs water you just put them in the water and they will drink it

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Can frogs give birth in tap water?

No, frogs cannot give birth anywhere. They lay eggs.

Can baby frogs live on their own?

yes, after they grow and get out of the water

What happens to baby frogs if there is no water in pond?

they die p.s if u love frogs you are wierd cause you can get worts if they pee on you

In what kind of habitat do baby frogs live?

The kind of habitat that frogs live in depend on their particular kind. For examples some frogs such as tree frogs live up in trees while other frogs may prefer living in bodies of water or the rainforest.

Why frogs lay a lot of eggs in water?

its more easy to give birth in water

Where do frogs have their eggs?

It depends on the species. Many species of frogs lay their eggs in water, but not all do e.g. the Corroboree frog.Also, frogs of the genus Pristimantis lay their eggs on land, where they do not undergo a tadpole stage, hatching as fully metamorphosed baby frogs. Some species of frogs even give birth to live young, such as members of the African genus Nectophrynoides and other species found in the Andes and Central America.

Why frogs can live on land but its babies cannot?

young frogs have to constantly be re-hydrated in a body of water.

Can you give a newborn baby water?

no you can't give newbron baby water the will need the nations it's boby.

What do northern water snakes eat?

They will eat anything from baby fish to full grown frogs.

When do frogs usually give birth?

frogs give brirth in slow moving water near shore under rocks,tree bark and fallen trees. They give birth in march to may.