

How do you give snails water?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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14y ago

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If you are reffering to snails inside a fish tank, then the best thing to do is to not clean the tank. That is the snails job as they eat the alge produced by the fish. so if you just have snails and no fish, then i suggest you buy fish to suit your tank to help give the snails the food they require.

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14y ago

If you have snails in a tank with foliage of any type you can drip water on the foliage and they will drink from that. Another way of doing it is to dampen a paper towel, place it in the corner of their tank - or if you have a mesh lid, under it- and it will create condensation that they can drink from. Or you don't have to water them, they get water from the foliage - or what ever else they eat! ( Please look at my question's)

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13y ago

You can use a snail bait from most any gardening dept, cut back on your water outside otherwise they will come back and rats love them. if you want fast results, buy some deadline or any snail product with metaldehyde-they don't like it at all.

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No. Salt water snails have adapted to salt water and always will.

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Snails drink water but not too much water. If u give them too much water they could die, but when its raining it might be a good idea to put your snail outside. Snails love rain water and it will give them something to do.

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Water snails have heavy shells that help keep them on the bottom.

What are watersnails?

I am not a water snail expert, but first (obviously) I know that they are snails that live in water. These snails will dry up when they are outside of water, and when they escape, this usually means the water they are inside is dirty, so check your water quality if you are a water snail keeper. I sometimes call these water snails aquarium snails, the ones that are sold in petstores. There are Mystery snails and Apple snails in this column.

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