

How do you grow blueberries?

Updated: 11/5/2022
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16y ago

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This is how I grow them I take a dried up blueberry and put it in the ground and water it and take care of it and then I watch it grow. Make sure it gets plenty of sun and water or it will go bye bye(It will die).

P.s Candace wrote this answer

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14y ago

Blueberry plants are shallow rooted and require soils that hold moisture well, but are also well-drained. Dry, sandy soils and heavy wet soils can be improved by adding a source of organic matter such as peat moss, well-rotted manure, compost, aged sawdust, or leafmold. Blueberries grow best in soils with a pH range of 4.6 to 4.8 but should do well in soils with a pH ranging from 4.0 to 5.2. An area where plants like laurel, huckleberry, wild blueberry, or pines are growing is usually suitable for highbush blueberries.

Soils should be prepared, and all preparations should be completed two weeks ahead of planting. Rows can be rototilled, or individual holes (two feet across by two feet deep) can be dug as early in the spring as possible. A mixture of equal parts of loam, sand, and organic matter should be placed in the holes before planting.


Before planting. Since blueberries require acid soils, lime is not needed in a blueberry planting. Often, sulfur, sulfate of ammonia, or another acidic material must be added to lower pH (and increase soil acidity). Well-aged manure can be worked into the soil in the fall before planting.

After planting. About a month after setting out plants, apply one-half to one ounce of 10-10-10 (one to two ounces of 5-10-10 or equivalent) in a band around the base of the plant.

Following years. Increase rate of fertilizer by one to two ounces (of 10-10-10 or equivalent) per year until mature. When mature, blueberry bushes require about one-half pound of 10-10-10 (or equivalent) per year applied in April. In larger plantings, 40 to 50 pounds of actual nitrogen should be applied per acre.


Blueberry bushes should be planted in full sunlight for maximum fruit production. Set out plants as early in the spring as possible. Plant bushes one to two inches deeper in the soil than they were in the nursery, six to eight feet apart, in rows spaced eight to ten feet apart. After plants have been set in the holes, fill the holes three-fourths full with soil mixture (see "soil preparation"), and then flood the hole. After the water has drained, fill in the holes with soil and tamp it down


Mulching the plants with clean straw, sawdust, or wood chips will help conserve moisture as well as aid in weed control. A three to four inch layer of the above materials should be suitable. Generally, grass is allowed to grow between the rows of bushes, as long as the grass can be mowed frequently


Mature blueberry bushes require one to two inches of water each week for best growth and productivity, especially during the harvest season.


Pruning is the most important aspect of blueberry culture. Annual pruning is necessary to invigorate the bushes, encourage annual fruit production, and prevent the bushes from overbearing. Until the bushes reach maturity (at about eight years old) remove only dead, broken, short or weak shoots. On mature bushes remove one-third of the oldest shoots each year, as well as any broken or diseased branches. Prune in late winter or early spring before growth begins.

Flower buds are produced on the end of a shoot's growth. The flower buds are plump and rounded, leaf buds are small and pointed. Each flower bud may produce a cluster of five to eight berries. If all flower buds are left on, too many berries will be produced and many will be small and worthless. Also, short, thin shoots will grow resulting in poor fruiting wood for the following year's crop. Bushes need little pruning during the first two or three years after planting; only short, weak twiggy growth need be removed.

After two summers in the field, all the plants should be ready to prune for a small crop (1/2 to 1 pint per bush). Remove the thin, twiggy growth and concentrate the potential crop on a small number of stout, fruiting shoots. By limiting the cropping to only the strong shoots, the bush will continue to grow rapidly. A heavy crop at this time dwarfs the bush

Pests and Diseases

Birds are a major problem with blueberry growing. Bushes often must be covered with netting to protect developing berries from birds. The major insect pests on blueberries are apple maggot, fruit worms, and Japanese beetles. The major diseases are mummy berry, twig blights (caused by several different fungi), and viruses.

Disease prevention is a good rule to follow when growing any small fruit. With blueberry growing, the following cultural practices will help prevent serious problems with most diseases.

  1. Plant disease resistant varieties when possible. Purchase healthy plants.
  2. Regular pruning helps to increase production, removes diseased plant parts, increases air circulation within the plants, and helps initiate fruit bud formation.
  3. Prune out all diseased and insect-infested wood. Remove any wood that is broken or damaged. All diseased wood should be burned to prevent reinfestation of healthy plants. Keep plants free from weeds and debris. Rake under the bushes.
Other Problems

Problem: The leaves on my blueberry bushes are turning yellow.

Cause: Interveinal yellowing (chlorosis) of blueberry leaves is most often caused by iron deficiency. When the soil pH is too high, blueberry roots cannot take up iron, and the plant appears to be iron deficient. Have your soil tested for pH level before you apply iron. Often, correcting the pH level is all that's needed.


Highbush blueberries are often harvested too early. After the berries turn blue, they should be left on the bushes for three to seven days to ripen and develop their full flavor and sugar content.

Berries should be harvested at two to three day intervals to discourage Japanese beetles, other insects, and fruit rots from entering ripening fruit.

Related web pages:
  • The Northwest Berry & Grape Information Net:
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