

How do you grow nails in one day?

Updated: 10/21/2022
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11y ago

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one way to grow nails in one day is by not eating theme. you can also make yourself a maniqure, but dont paint theme because the nail polish does not let theme grow, although when their lng then you can paint theme

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Wiki User

11y ago
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yes!! it also helps your nails grow. if you drink one cup of milk every day for 10 days, your hair will grow 2.76588920 long.

What do you have to do and eat for your nails to grow?

Hi! What do you have to eat for your nails to grow longer? Well, of ourse a healthy diet is an valuable substance for nails to grow and become stronger. But one thing you need to know is that when you want to grow your nails bitting them will not help. So, here a thought eat a healthy diet and stop bitting your nails, and they will grow but it takes time.

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how do I make my nails grow really fast in a day

How long do nails grow a day?

If you try meth they grow in like 2 seconds

How can a girl grow her nails for one week?

How can girls nails grow faster in one day.Well I always put clear nail polish before I got to sleep.Thanks for reading

Will nails grow if you cuticles are pushed back?

No your nails wont grow

How Does day or night time affect nail growth?

Day and night affects your nails as the sun affects how your nails grow and which direction if the sun is eastward then your nais will grow this way, the moon also has an effect on them because of the direction it is turning in for example if it is a full moon and wearwolf shape will appear in the courner of your nails .

Why the nails grow?

Your nails protect your skin under your nails.

Do thumb nails grow slower then finger nails?

I believe they grow faster.