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Put the leaves in tap water for a few weeks until roots start grow.(Leave at room tempeture.A shade plant.)

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3mo ago

To grow spathiphyllum (peace lily) in water, place the plant in a clear container filled with distilled water so that the root system is submerged. Change the water every 1-2 weeks to prevent stagnation and provide nutrients by adding a liquid fertilizer specifically for hydroponic plants. Keep the container in bright, indirect light and monitor the plant for any signs of stress or nutrient deficiencies.

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What is the Botanical name forthe peace lily?

The smaller one, most often sold in 4-8" pots is the Spathiphyllum wallisii. It's about 1' tall. The larger one, up to 2' is Spathiphyllum 'Mauna Loa'.

How do you pronounce spathiphyllum?

It is pronounced as spath-uh-FILL-um.

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Black leaves on a spathiphyllum (peace lily) can be caused by overwatering, inadequate drainage, poor lighting, or exposure to cold drafts. Check the soil moisture, ensure good drainage, place the plant in a well-lit area, and protect it from drafts to help prevent further blackening of the leaves.

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haha unfortunatly no...water can not make you grow.

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What height do water lilies grow to?

They grow until they reach the surface of the water.