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You need to review the document that created the trust to determine how the trust property is to be distributed and how it can be terminated.

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Q: How do you handle execution of trusts upon grantors death?
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Are living trusts revocable?

Yes, revocable living trusts have become a viable alternative to the traditional wills in many States . These trusts are favored because they allow you to have more control over your estate when you live and after your death.

What type of execution is used in New Mexico?

Lethal injection is the execution method for states that have the death penalty.

What is the term for death penalty?

execution, capital punishment

What is a form of execution?

A form of execution would be hanging, burned at the stake, the electric chair, or injected with the shot of death.

Are trusts paid on death of grantor only?

That depends on the provisions in the trust. You must review them for your answer.

When is Brittany Holberg's execution date?

Brittany Holberg's execution date has not yet been set. She currently is still on Texas's death row.

What is the traitor's death execution method?

Being hanged, drawn and quartered.

How did the execution and death of gomburza awakened the nationalism in rizal?

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Can you get out of the death penalty?

Yes, if you have a clemency or are proved innocent before the execution.

How many years in jail for execution?

(in the US) If you 'execute' someone it is either life imprisonment or the death penalty depending on the state in which the execution was carried out.