

How do you hide that you peed yourself?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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It is difficult to do so.

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Q: How do you hide that you peed yourself?
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How do you hide that you peed?

say you promise and cross your fingers! or just change your pants

What would you say if peed on yourself in school?

I’m an dumb

Why do you smell like urine?

Either you peed on yourself, or you REALLY need to shower!

Do we pee as much as we drink?

I dont know. Answer that question yourself by drinking your pee. Just take a piss, then measure how much you peed, then drink it, then the next time you pee, measure how much you peed.

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Basically you've peed yourself.

Have you ever peed yourself on a school bus because somebody was tickling you?

n0....but that may occur if you cant control yourself....any way lo0olzxzz...gud thInKin

If I don't remember getting the ticket for public urination who I should call?

The council and be sorry you peed all over yourself. ---- ----

How do you tell a teacher if you peed yourself in class?

ahh just go and tell them that you were laughing really hard or somthing and you have to pee or you ppeeed lol

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run and hide

What is the definition of the word peed?

The term "peed" directly refers to the past tense for the word "pee". The word "peed" is synonymous with the term "urinated". The word "peed" started being used between 1875 and 1880.

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Hide under a table!

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Find A ditch to hide in.