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You can either run a patch cord from the "line out" jack on back of your amp to the board (or head of the snake, if your band has a snake for the PA). If your amp doesn't have a line out jack, you can place a mic in front of your amp, and plug it in to your board.

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Q: How do you hook a marshall amp into a pa?
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What is a plexi style guitar amp?

It is a guitar amp based on the Marshall Plexi, one of the first amps made by Marshall.

Why cant your electric guitar not play though the pa but acoustic electric you can?

A PA system is intended for a certain frequency range, same with a guitar amp and bass amp. Bass amps for example are made to handle a lower frequncey range so plugging a bass into a guitar amp can damage the speaker because the guitar amp cannot handle to lows of the bass. The same is for a PA system. To properly play through a PA system it is better to mic a guitar amp and then run the mic through the PA. The mic will limit the frequencies of the guitar allowing the PA to handle it better. Most live venues will do this so bringing a Marshall full stack isn't neccesary. Even a small 50watt amp would work fine in a live setting as long as it is miced.

When hooking up an amp and speakers do you wire the speakers through the stereo or the amp?

Hook your speakers up to the amp.

Can you hook up two subwoofers to one receiver?

yes, you can, either via a Y-cable to the sub output, or via a pre-amp, or hook them up parallel to a mono amp or if you have a 2 channel amp then just hook them up regurally but if you have a mono amp then...have two positive and two negative wires coming out of the amp then hook 1 negative wire up to the negative spot on a speaker..then do the same with the other..then do the same with the positive

What amp is best for christian rock music?


How do you get a Beatles tone out of a Marshall?

You don't you get it from a vox amp

Your amp cuts off when you hook it up to your subwoofers?

either your amp has a short..... or.... you have a bad ground

How do you hook up a stereo equalizer?

Put the E.Q. between the pre amp and the main amp.

What kind of amp does Tom Delonge use?

He uses a lot of different ones. There is no specific amp he always uses. But some of what he has used includes: Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier amp head Marshall JCM 900 amp head Mesa Boogie 2:90 power amp Triaxis preamp Marshall EL34 power amp JMP-1 preamp

How do i wire a toggle switch for an amp?

Hook a switch up to the remote turn on and ground. Before the wiring for the amp.

How do you hook up an vr3 200 watt 2 channel amp to a car stereo?

well you hook it up