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you quietly lay next to her. start telling her that you love her and that she is pretty. then start stripping her and yourself. then start bouncing and rubbing her vaginia up and down. try to stick your penis up her vaginia

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14y ago

The same way you do any place else. Class act, hump?

You should not be doing this at school as when caught you will be in much trouble. Wait until you are old enough and have somewhere private at home.

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Q: How do you hump a girl at school?
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If you hump a girl are you lesbian?

if your a girl and you are hump ing another girl doesn't make you lesbian. it just means you like hump ing girls.

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to hump a girl

Can a girl hump another girl?

Of course a girl can hump another girl, all humping consists of is rubbing your crotch up against something. Nothing prevents women from doing this.

How do you hump a girl sexily?

DON'T LISTEN TO THAT CRAP!!!!!!,if you want to hump a girl,then first start kissing her,then remove her clothing,then you can hump her,and rub your penis all over her,and lick her everywhere,just do what you people want to do.

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The boy i like was alone with me in a ROM should i make a move?

oh girl do it hard on him. and be a little careful but hump it.oh girl do it hard on him. and be a little careful but hump it.

What things around the house can a girl hump?

Well anything she may not want to hump things but pretty much annything

How do you attract a girl using body language?

air hump

Can girl dogs hump?

actually yes, i have seen many girl dogs hump other girl/guy dogs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Absolutely. Any dog, young, old, male or female can hump. It is a sign of dominance in many instances.

What should you do when you like a very popular girl in school and she might like you back but then later all her friends think that you are a loser?

show her friends how totally cool you can be! hump her lol

How do you hump a girl with clothes?

Take her clothes off then do it Or have sex its better

What happens if a seal meets a girl seal?

they hump with eachother and lick around