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Tie glow-in-the-dark ribbons around their turkey necks during the day. Then, when evening comes round, shoot at anything that glows.

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Q: How do you hunt turkeys in the evening?
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Why are turkeys are hard to hunt?

The tureky are hard to hunt as they are very fast animals, and sneaky to catch

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They used to hunt beavers, deers, turkeys, and fowl.

Do you eat male or female turkeys?

Both The above is true of domesticated turkeys, however, if you hunt wild turkeys, you can only shoot the males. The females are left alone because they are the egg layers and produce and care for the young turkeys.

Did the Cherokee tribe farm or hunt their food?

All I know is that they ate squirrels,rabbits,and turkeys

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What do birds and animals do in evening?

they sleep unless they are nocturnal, then they hunt.

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Can you hunt small game animals in New York without a license?

you have to have a license to hunt anything in New York State

How come turkeys are so hard to hunt?

Because they know they are being hunted at certain times of the year.

What is a good gauge to hunt turkey with?

I would get a 12 gage shotgun to hunt turkeys. You can get 12 gage shotgun shells almost anywhere. It is the most popular size. If you get a 16 gage, you will have an extremely difficult time getting shells. A woman should get a 20 gage to hunt turkeys. It has less kick. A child should use 28 or 410.

Why snakes hunt in the evening?

There are a few reasons why they hunt in the evening. 1.) The prey they eat is out and about 2.) The prey probberly won't see the snake coming so theres more chance of a kill for the snake