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you can either rub it off gently with sand paper or get nail-polish remover and carefully get a cotton pad and get some of the remover on it and scrub gently

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Q: How do you i get rid of nail polish remover stains on my oak color cabinet?
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How do you get black nail polish out of a pair of white trousers?

Have you tried nail-polish remover? I would suggest repeated dabbings, switching to fresh cotton balls soaked in remover as the old ones become discolored with the polish. When all the polish is out, launder your trousers as usual. I used this method to get red polish out of a pair of blue-jeans. You might need to bleach the pants or use a laundry booster, as I found that the polish remover got out stains on the old jeans that I didn't know were there. ;-) After washing the jeans a couple times, the color evened out, and no lasting damage was done from the remover.

Will nail polish remover remove the color in your hair?

Yes, it will destroy it.

How do you remove nail polish stains so your parents won't notice?

It depends on what item the nail polish is staining. It is nearly impossible to remove nail polish from fabrics/carpet/tablecloths because the nail polish remover will bleach and damage the fabric before it will remove all the color of the polish. Commercial stain remover products will not be effective on nail polish as it is paint based. If it was spilled on glass then it is safe to use nail polish remover. On wood furniture it will also remove the varnish and wood stain along with the polish so that isn't good either. In other words, your parents are going to "notice" wherever you spilled the polish.

How does hair color remover work?

Hair color remover is used to remove color stains from the skin- like the hair line, around the ears, and neck. It can be used to remove color from the hands as well.

How do you remove blue nail polish on a black material?

you can color it over black? or you can try to take it off with nail polish remover.

How do you remove nailpolish from a shirt without ruining the shirt?

so long as the delicate fabric is not acetate, triacetate or modacrylic, you can use nail polish remover. Test a small corner of the fabric to see if it is color-safe. Then rinse the nail polish remover out of the fabric thoroughly.

Does nail polish remover stain bathroom tiles?

Stain, no. Remove color, very likely.

Does wite out come out of clothes?

Not very easily, try wd40 and nail polish remover than try washing the clothes, repeat the process The nail polish remover may take off color from the clothes- so be careful

How does color removal work?

Hair color remover is used to remove color stains from the skin- like the hair line, around the ears, and neck. It can be used to remove color from the hands as well.

How do you repair wood damaged by nail polish remover?

you spray paint it in wood color u can find it at walmart

Does nail polish remover take the color off of a shirt?

Test it yourself. It apparently is too risky to try.

Does bleach remove liquid paper from clothes easily?

No, but it will remove the color instantly. Unless you are trying to get it off of something white, it will only ruin it. Better to use finger nail polish remover. The polish remover then can be washed with soap and water.