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Q: How do you identify which abdominal muscle is pulled?
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Is it possible to have pulled an abdominal muscle and have back pain as well?

that definitely sounds like a kidney problem. Seek medical attention immediatly.

What is a pulled and strained muscle?

what is a pulled muscle

What muscle is separating the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity?

The thoracic cavity is separated from the abdominal cavity by the diaphragm. This is a broad flat muscle. (muscular) diaphragmThe diaphragm is a muscle that separate the thoracic from the abdominal cavity. The pelvis is the lowest part of the abdominal cavity and it has no physical separation from it Diaphragm

What is between the abdominal and pelvis?

the abdominal is your abs which is a muscle and your pelvis is a bone

What is a pulled muscle?

When a muscle is pushed to far with exertion, small tears can occur in the muscle tissue. The pain associated with this damage when the muscle is used is called a pulled muscle.

Which abdominal muscle stretches from ribs and sternum to pubic bones?

The rectus abdominus muscle, which is the muscle that becomes a six-pack if you train it, is the muscle at the front of the abdominal wall and stretches across the specified region.

Why does your right side Of my stomach hurt when you cough?

you have pulled your lower abdominal muscle. its perfectly normal but when you cough it feels like something wants to pop out of your lower stomach. similar to a hernia. but after cough goes away the muscle will go back to normal.

Is a tear in an abdominal muscle called a hernia?

No, a tear in an abdominal muscle is called a muscle strain or muscle pull. A hernia is a separate condition where an internal organ pushes through a weak spot in the surrounding muscle or tissue.

What is the best way to work out your abdominal muscle?

Sit-ups will work out your abdominal muscles.

What abdominal muscle is the stabilizer in an abdominal curl?

A curl-up on a stable surface, rectus abdominis muscle activity was 21% of MVC and external oblique muscle activity was 5% of MVC.

What is the common name for the abdominal muscle?


What cavity is the stomach in?

abdominal cavity