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OK DUDE Please ill tell now if you done something that's very wrong or getting into a huge fight with them or Being Selfish to them too much just try and walk away also theres another new idea for THAT if you can't apoligies to them then just walk away and don't SAY ANYTHING TO THEM 2 Please go to Your room or go to your basement or just Go outside your house and Go somewhere for awhile OK 3 Keep yourself AWAY from them for awhile and Don't Come home until they are feeling Better cause it's the only New WAY That's all i know for Now ALLRIGHT hope i Helped

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Q: How do you ignor your parents when they yell at you?
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it is not polite and they may forbid that parent from coming to the stadium if they yell.

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She had to yell to be heard over the noise of the crowd.

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Stay still!

Why do parents yell so much?

it is a form of control and discipline

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if your parents wont let you get sponsored, well, id yell at em.

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so ur parents can use it to yell at u

Who do parents yell at you?

They just want you to be safe and that is their way of showing you and doing that.

What is your middle name?

so ur parents can use it to yell at u

Should parents yell at kids?

Not really because they'll feel really sad but it's okay if they yell at you if you broke like a special thing.

Why do parents yell at you?

because you all ways do something wrong and say i didnt do nothing

Why do my parents yell at me for the actions of my siblings?

I honestly think that they are not necessarily yelling at you. They may be doing a "blanket" yell in order to show 2 people at one time that they are not pleased with these actions, whatever they may be. What do you mean by yell at you for their actions? Do they blame you for what they did or simply include you in the yelling?

What to do for a troubled teenager?

ignor them ! or go into a crwded place!