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by increasing the power of electromagnet

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Q: How do you increase electromagnetic field?
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What is electromagnetic flux?

The electromagnetic force is a force that is expressed as (or that "shows up as") a "field" or a "group of lines of force" around the source. Electromagnetic flux is a direct reference to those magnetic lines of force. Electromagnetic flux is the electromagnetic field or the group of electromagnetic lines of force around the source. All the following sentences say the same thing: The electromagnetic flux around the magnet was very high. The magnetic flux around the magnet was very high. The magnetic field around the magnet was very large. The flux around the magnet was very high. The field around the magnet was very large. There were a large number of magnetic lines of force around the magnet making the field strength very high.

Could a wire skipping rope generate an electromagnetic field?

In order for a wire to generate an electromagnetic field, there must be a current passing through it. Assuming that, then yes - a wire skipping rope could generate an electromagnetic field. Since the skipping rope is turning, the field will also be moving, so it could induce a varying current in another wire in close proximity.

When a electrical current is generated in a conductor by placing it in a magnetic field the process is known as?

Electromagnetic Induction

What is field coils?

field coils generally refer to the electromagnetic coils on the stator ( the stationary part of an electric motor ). these generate the magnetic field(s) necessary to put the rotor ( the rotating part of the motor ) into motion.

Do the induced voltage increase in a transformer when the magnetic field strength increase?

Yes, the more voltage you put in the more you get out. If the transformer is a 2 - 1 ratio and you put 240 in you get 120 out and when you put 480 in you get 240 out. Magnetic field strength and voltage have a direct relationship. +++ The field strength is actually a function of current, although as you say, increasing the voltage will increase the current hence the magnetic field.

Related questions

What is the effect of adding more coils of wire to an electromagnetic?

Increasing the coils will increase the strength of the magnetic field.

What determines the direction of polarization of a radiated electromagnetic field?

The polarization of an electromagnetic field is defined as the direction of its E field (electrostatic).

What are facts about electromagnetic fields?

An electromagnetic field is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects. The field can be viewed as the combination of an electric field and a magnetic field. The electromagnetic field may be viewed in two distinct ways: a continuous structure or a discrete structure.

When electric and magnetic fields both exist it is called an?

Not really. You could have both an electric field and a magnetic field occupying the same space at the same time but they wouldn't 'make the definition' of electromagnetic until they began to fluxuate in phase at a harmonized frequency.

A sentence with the word electromagnetic?

The scientists measured the electromagnetic field.

Photon does not have charge then how does it have electromagnetic field?

Well one way to look at it is that a photon IS an electromagnetic field. The photon is the gauge particle for the electromagnetic force. Without photons there would be no electromagnetic interaction force, and therefore no electromagnetic fields.

When and where was the electromagnetic?

when and where was the electomagnetic field

Electromagnetic force occurs when?

charged particles interact with each other through the exchange of virtual photons, leading to either attraction or repulsion. This force is responsible for the interactions between charged objects and plays a vital role in various phenomena such as chemical bonding and the operation of electronic devices.

What is the definition of eletromagnetic?

It depends what you are talking about... Electromagnetic field Electromagnetic force Electromagnetic radiation Electromagnetic spectrum Electromagnetic therapy Electromagnetic waves ...they each have different meanings.

Is there an electromagnetic field produced by electric heating pads?

If pads are using AC, yes you can get some electromagnetic field because of it.

What are parts of an electromagnetic wave?

Electric field and magnetic field

What does electromagnetic waves means?

An electromagnetic wave, in its simplest description, is a wave that as it propagates keeps converting its magnetic field into an electric field while converting its electric field into a magnetic field.