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By always giving them their space, freedom and gap in attention. Only give them what they want and as they grow, so will their understanding and they will come to you if their need be.

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Q: How do you interact with autistic teenager?
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Related questions

How does a teenager develop Autism?

A teenager doesn't develop autism - a person is autistic from birth.

How long does it take for a teenager to develop Autism and why?

Autism is a neurological difference, thus a person is born autistic - a teenager cannot develop autism, they were either born autistic or not.

How do you interact with someone with Asperger's Syndrome?

If he autistic kid is at a school they'll probably have someone with them who watches them and helps them learn like everyone else. Since each autisic kid is different you should ask the person with the autistic guy to learn more about him/her. They best way to interact with them is to learn more about them.

Why does my fish always stay by himself and not interact with other fish?

depending on the other types of fish or he could be autistic or RETAARRDED

Why do autistic kids act different?

Autistic children act differently to neurotypical children because they are different.Autistic people experience the world and interact with the world differently to neurotypical people. Autistic people lack social and communication skills of neurotypical people, and if you view neurotypical behaviour as the norm or ideal it looks as though autistic people are 'different'.

How is an autistic better than non autistic in some ways?

It is better in all ways. They are capable of producing psychedelic substances naturally, giving them the ability to interact with animals and the dead. They also have great talent in a certain area of life.

How do you get autistic spectrum?

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurological condition, autistic people are born autistic - we do not know why people are autistic.

Can autistic children go to normal schools?

Yes, autistic children can be taught in mainstream schools. Most autistic children are likely to be mainstreamed, one reason being that autistic children thrive in mainstream school when they're allowed to learn and interact with their neurotypical peers. Often in special education autistic children aren't challenged enough, this is true in mainstream schools too but worse in special education.

How long does it take for someone to become autistic?

A person is born autistic - they do not become autistic.

Is jimmy carlin autistic?

He's not autistic

Is autistic the same as autism?

An Autistic is a person with Autism.

Is Richard Dawkins autistic?

Yes, he is indisputably autistic.