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Raccoons are pretty creative. Keep a lid on the jar (with holes in it for air) and keep the jar itself in a tight-fitting box, so that the raccoon can't get to the jar to break it. Nail the box to a table so they can't move the box. That ought to get it.

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Q: How do you keep a raccoon out of a snail jar?
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How do you keep a snail happy?

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Snails have many predators. Raccoon's, fish, birds, humans, and several other things can pose a threat to the snail.

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If you keep a snail in a jar like me, the bottom must be soaked with wet towel or cotton. Place food in the jar,and change the food every day to prevent rotting. for food, use flour in a screw-on cap, cut carrots,and lettuce. Clean droppings.change or water cotton.Just follow these daily routines! You might want chopsticks for toys for the snail. If you keep a snail in a jar like me, the bottom must be soaked with wet towel or cotton. Place food in the jar,and change the food every day to prevent rotting. for food, use flour in a screw-on cap, cut carrots,and lettuce. Clean droppings.change or water cotton.Just follow these daily routines! You might want chopsticks for toys for the snail.

What is in the jar in the story the jar?

In the story "The Jar" by Luigi Pirandello, the jar contains a snail that the protagonist becomes obsessed with because of its ability to symbolize the mysteries of existence and reality. The jar represents the protagonist's quest for meaning and his struggle to understand the complexities of life.

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Yes in to boulder tortoise.

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What do you need to do to keep a water snail?

Always keep it in water.

What can you get to keep raccoon out of trash?

Make sure the lid of the trash bin is secure and cannot be opened by a raccoon.

How are lettuce snails and thrushes interdependent?

The snail relies on the thrush to keep the population of the snail down, and the thrush relies on the snail as a source of food.