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Great, someone else that has, rather HAD the same problem! This is what you do. Basically, you need to empty the fountain. You can do this in a variety of ways. I found the easiest was to get a water pumper from Home Depot. Empty it adn wait for a mont or two until they don't come back. And you can refill it.

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spray listerine around the horse trough, NOT in the water or food just around it

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Q: How do you keep bees away from your fountain?
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Does ammonia keep bees away?

Ammonia will not keep bees away or kill them. If you have a problem with bees on your property, contact a pest control company.

How do you keep bees away from picnic food?

One way to keep bees away from picnic food is by putting out bee traps around the area. Keep food covered and put away food right away.

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How do you keep bees away from you?

Keep calm and don't flap your hands. They will lose interest and fly away. If there are a lot of bees around, it is better if you don't wear flower-scented perfume.

Does salami keep bees away?

yes, it is an old remedy from 1844 invented by Arnold King

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What you could do, is get something to scare them away, you could put the "thing" next to what you want birds to stay away from.

Will moth balls help get rid of bees?

One way to get rid of bees or keep them away is by using moth balls. You can put them inside an old nylon and hang it close to a nest and in areas that you want to keep bees away from including porches and play sets.

I have a water fountain on your backyard but bees are around it How can you get rid of them?

Bees need water to cool their home. They also add it to the honey.Bees go to the closest water. If your fountain is the closest water source, then the bees need more water sources. Put in a few more water sources and encourage the neighbors to do the same. It's nature and we people are in their backyard. If you don't want bees in your fountain drain the water and put a plant in it.

Sweat bee repellent?

Sweat bees are attracted to the salt in human scent. Anything that covers the smell of perspiration will help keep sweat bees away.

How do you make a move to keep bees away when tanning?

To repel bees, you should avoid trying to swat them. Try to stay calm and still because swatting them will make them more aggressive.

Why keep bees wax for hair away from flames?

Beeswax is quite flammable. Don't forget it is used to make candles.

How do you get rid bees with smoke?

Bees are terrified of fire, beekeepers puff smoke in to the hive to make the bees go to the bottom when removing the honey. I wouldn't recommend taking up smoking just to keep a bumble bee away though