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Simple. You are probably pulling too tight. So, loosen up on tying, second of all, if you run a lot in these boots then they are probably long on your shoe so double knot them if possible.

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Q: How do you keep your boot laces from breaking?
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Related questions

Where can one purchase boot laces for boots?

The ideal place that a person can purchase boot laces for boots is through an online retailer such as Amazon. Another place to buy is from the boot manufacturer themselves.

What river might represent the laces of that boot?

mississippi river

What river might represent the laces of the boot of Louisiana And why?

The Mississippi river!!

What is used to fasten up the laces of a ski boot?

There is no "laces" on ski boots. Buckles are the used to tighten the boots.

What is a shoe lace hole called?

The holes are called just that, holes, but each hole is lined with a metal eyelet. The eyelets help keep the holes open to make it easier to lace and add to the reliability of the shoes by reinforcing the holes so they won't tear. In case you are curious, the plastic tips on the shoe laces are called aglets. They help keep the laces from unraveling and make it easier to insert the laces. Leather boot laces generally don't use aglets since the leather is stiff enough and does not unravel.

How do you lace up the ribbon laces that come on Dr Marten Triumph 1914 boot?

it must be crossed over

What is the point of shoe laces?

Because they keep your shoe on!

Why does shoes have tongues?

The shoe has a tongue to protect the top of your foot and to keep your laces from rubbing on your foot. mostlyfound on shoes that have laces

How do you keep leather boat shoe laces tied?

keep tying them.. lol its inevitable

Do shoe laces use friction to stay tied up?

Yes, shoe laces use friction to stay tied up. When the laces are crossed and looped together, the friction between the laces prevents them from coming loose. The tighter the knot is pulled, the more friction is created to keep the laces secure.

Why does the figure skating boot have to be laced up?

To maintain a proper skating technique, your foot needs to be locked snugly into the boot. If the laces are loose, not only will you not be able to skate properly, but you risk possible injury.

What is a boot kiltie for?

Because laces can be extremely abrasive. Especially once they've have become dirty and gritty. The kiltie sits between the lace and leather on the boot and protects the leather on the boot, As the kiltie can be replaced after it is worn and it is quite expensive to replace the leather on your boots. Hope This Was Helpful :)