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chicken wire at the base of the fence would probably be the only sure way and also dont leave food in your backyard to attract them.

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Q: How do you keep your fenced in yard skunk free and protect my dog from getting skunked?
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Related questions

What if a human gets skunked?

a skunk is black a white and it has a tail that smells if it shook its tale you would coff the stuff that comes out of it is a yellow coulor

If your cat is sprayed by a skunk what do you do?

most people would say wash it in a tomato bath but I know cat don't like getting dip in bathtubs so you should get some spray on SKUNKED!. its like hair spray without the smell

How do you descent a skunk?

This is done by surgery, the vet removes the scent gland.

What is the different protective adaptation of the skunk?

they spray you...the skunk is stinky and small

Are humans doing anything to protect the skunk?

yes we are

How skunk protect themselves from attack?

they spray people

Is it right when i say a bee skunk me yesterday?

No, it looks like you did not use the correct verb. You probably meant to say that a bee stung you yesterday, and that (A bee stung me yesterday) would be correct. Although there is a slang usage for "skunk" as a verb, the past tense is "skunked". Also, since "to skunk" means "to defeat thoroughly", it would not make sense for a bee to skunk you.

How do skunk protect them self?

Skunks protect themselves by letting out an odorous gas and scaring aways predators.

Why do skunk make there foul smell?

Because it needs to protect itself. Example: A human has a large net and wants to catch the skunk in it. The skunk sees him and sprays him so the human runs away and leaves the skunk alone to eat in peace.

What animal uses it's odor as a weapon?

Well a skunk does and so does a stink bug.I think think there are thousands more but lets stike with these.

How should you wash a dog after being sprayed by a skunk?

There have been many remedies reported such as tomato juice, etc., but the bottom line is you will have to go to the vet and get a special spray to use on your poor skunked cat in order to get rid of the odor quickly.

What does 'you got skunked' mean?

It basically has a few answers that I know of. One has to do with sports. It's when a team beats another team by a large margin. For instance, there's a game between and Cars & Answers' score is 78 and Cars' is 0. You would say that Cars "got skunked." The other answer can be when someone is more than likely to be misunderstood or disapproved of. It's used especially of words. In slang it can mean someone is most likely to be misunderstood or disapproved of, used especially in words. It is also slang for being intoxicated. Also, I've heard it used when a dog got sprayed by a skunk as in, my dog just got skunked!