

Best Answer

Wash it very often,

Drink water

Have vitamins (mostly c)

eat healthy foods

put coconut oil in it

trim it often

massage your scalp

leave it loose

wash in cold water

don't tie it often

please recommend me!

No coconut oil, your hair already has oil in it, so putting more in would just make it worse. Make sure you brush your hair, but not all the time, a good little swipe will be good. Your hair has oil so every time you brush your hair it spreads the oil, which can make your hair frizzier. Also use conditioner that you can just put on your scalp and doesn't need any washing. Also get anti-frizze shampoo/conditioner, but try to use the same brand because switching shampoo/conditioner often can be bad for your hair resulting in dry hair, scalp, and frizzieness.

Also stay out of the sun, and keep you and your hair hydrated at all times. If you stay out in the sun for to long or stay outside on a hot day your hair will just become frizzy. So make sure to drink lots of water and make sure your scalp doesn't get too dry. If you go to a pool, make sure you wash your hair after. Chloriene can make your scalp dry, hair fizzy, and cause dandruff. Good luck! :)

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Q: How do you keep your hair from being frizzy?
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What are some home remedies to keep hair not frizzy?

Well i have frizzy hair and i use oil (not olive oil) or use a comb not a rubber or plastic hair brush

How can you make your hair frizzy?

To make your hair frizzy you simply take a comb and a few pieces of hair and then rub the comb through the hair until it becomes frizzy.

What are some top products to use on my dry frizzy hair?

You can use many products on your dry frizzy hair. They make hot oil treatments to help get rid of the frizzy hair. You can also use shampoos specifically designed for frizzy hair. They also make Anti freeze hair gels to help frizzy hair.

How do you calm frizzy hair?

For me, I am a straight blond and get frizzy hair a lot. What I do to calm it is add some water to your hairbrush, and ta-da! Non-frizzy hair!

How do you stop your hair from being frizzy without any products?

you cant really keep your hair straight without any products its like saying i want my hair to be from straight from curly but without any straightener loll

How do you keep wavy hair from frizzy without hurting your hair?

well I have wavy hair and I use TRESemme hairspray you can get at wal*mart and its doesn't hurt my hair

How do you get really frizzy hair?

This sounds ridiculous. I don't even think anybody should want frizzy hair. But, all you really have to do is when your hair is wet when you get out of the shower or whatever, that you touch your hair a lot.. it makes you hair really frizzy the more you touch it. That one of the main reasons that curly haired people have frizzy hair because when they are applying product or just even touching their hair makes it frizzy. Just saying this does not mean that every time you touch your wet hair means that it will go frizzy.

How do you make your hair not frizzy after being wet?

Blow-dry it and brush it and then (straiten it or curl it-optional)

What does a diffuser do for your hair?

Diffusers help to soften your hair and keep from getting frizzy while also, if used right, it will make you have a slight wave.

Does air drying your hair keep it from frizzing?

It depends on what type of hair you have. e.g i have straight hair and i dry it using a hair dryer and it prevents my hair from going all puffy and frizzy. It also prevents me from having split ends. if you have curly hair and ryou dry it it will properbly go frizzy. Hope i answered the question?

If you get a spiral perm will it be frizzy?

With a spiral perm your hair will tend to be frizzy. You can avoid this by putting moisture in your hair regularly.