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Rubbing my testicles frequently.

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Q: How do you keep your scrotum shaggy?
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Related questions

What is located in the scrotum?

The "Ball Sack" is called a "scrotum" and contains testicles.

Why is their hair on your ball sac?

To help keep the scrotum warm and help with sweating.

Is it safe to apply rubbing alcohol to the testicles after showering?

It is safe to apply the same to your scrotum. But that is not advisable to do the same. You are advised to keep the scrotum dry by way of fanning.

Why did shaggy 2 dope cut his hair?

I will anwser the question of why is Violent J & Shaggy 2 Dope so famus. My anwser is: because the are hott they have a lot of songs.

Why is the testes found in the scrotum?

Because sperm function at 35 degrees where as your normal body temp is 36 so the scrotum is meant to keep the sperm slightly cooler then the rest of the body. That is also why when a male becomes cold the scrotum becomes smaller to bring the testes closer to the body to keep them warmer thus keeping the sperm warmer.

What does shaggy mean?

Shaggy means like for example shaggy as in shaggy dog, like a really long haired, "shaggy dog". Understand now....if you don't to bad, but if you do good for you.

The skin that holds the testes is what?

The answer is the scrotum, the testis are in the scrotum.

Is shaggy a group?

no shaggy is one singer

The pouch of skin that contains the testes is the?

The scrotum is the pouch of skin containing the testes. It is divided into two parts and also contains the epididymides and the lower sections of the spermatic cords.

What is the plural for the word scrotum?

The plural of the word scrotum is scrotums.

How did shaggy escaped from the cage in the movie shaggy dog?

shaggy did not "escaped" from any cage. end of story.

What does shaggy dislike?

Shaggy Rogers HATES monsters.