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Q: How do you kill a red velvet ant?
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Related questions

What type of insect is a velvet ant?

The Velvet Ant is a wasp not an ant. Females are wingless and covered with hair and strongly resemble ants. The red velvet ant is the largest velvet ant species at 3/4 of an inch long.

What kind of ant has an orange-red translucent body and a black head?

Red velvet ant also known as cow killer. It's not an ant but a wingless female wasp.

What bug is red and black striped without wings?

Velvet Ant!

Who are red velvet ant's predators?

Yes it does. Like baby lepords

What will win by battling red ant or driver ant?

the red ant. they can kill another ant in 10 seconds.

What kind is an orange ant?

It could be a velvet ant, which is actually a flightless wasp. If it is furry, orange and black it is a velvet ant. These ants can provide a painful sting that lasts for hours so avoid them. If it looks like a small black ant, only orange, it is probably just a red ant.

Flying red velvet looking insect with black wings?

This seems like it may be a male Velvet Ant, or Cow Killer, since the males have wings but the females do not.

What is the average lifespan of a red ant?

The Red Velvet Ant belongs to the family Mutillidae. The average life span of an individual in the wild is a few weeks.

What hurt worse the bullet ant or the velvet ant?

Bullet ant is way worse. Its legendary.

Can a cow killer ant kill a cow?

First of all, the cow killer or velvet ant is actually a wasp that delivers a very painful sting. However, I really don't think that a sting from one of these wasps could kill a cow.

What do Velvet ants do?

velvet ants (actually a wasp) are predators of bumble bees

Can red velvet ants kill humans?

Yes they can because if they suck your blood poision will get on to you.