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use a gun! lol!

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Q: How do you kill boys?
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What do the boys kill?


What do the boys do with the pig after they kill it?

The kill it and save its head, which then is given to the beast.

Who do the boys kill thinking it is the beast in lord of the flies?

The boys mistakenly kill Simon, a member of their group, mistaking him for the beast during a chaotic and frenzied moment. Simon had come down from the mountain, where he had discovered the truth about the supposed beast, but the boys, caught up in their fear and mob mentality, attack and kill him.

Who is missing when the boys kill their second pig?

Simon is missing when the boys kill their second pig. He has wandered off into the forest, experiencing a hallucination that intensifies his feelings of isolation and fear.

What is the movie were 2 boys kill a teenage girl in a freezer?


Why is it ironic that the boys kill Simon What do their actions suggest about their state of mind in the island?

It is ironic that the boys kill Simon because Simon is the character who represents goodness and insight on the island. Their decision to kill him suggests that the boys are descending further into savagery and losing touch with their humanity. This act reflects their increasing brutality and loss of moral compass in their primitive society.

What is the meaning of the lord of flies to Simon?

Basically that "the beast" isn't something they can hunt or kill but an evil force inherit to the boys. It also tells Simon that he won't be able to escape and he will only find the beast among the other boys. Which comes true when the boys later kill Simon.

What mistake happens in the middle of the frenzy Lord of the flies?

In the middle of the frenzy in "Lord of the Flies," the boys mistake Simon for the beast and brutally kill him during a chaotic and violent ritual. This mistake highlights the boys' descent into savagery and the breakdown of their society on the island.

Would infant rabbits kill baby rabbits?

only if they were two boys

What tragic makes it made in the frenzy and excitement of the dance?

the boys kill Simon

What tragic mistake is made in the frenzy and excitement of the hung?

the boys kill Simon

What did the king of Egypt ask the Hebrew midwives to do?

Kill Israelite infant boys.