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Depends which country you are in. You can get chemical treatments to kill stumps and roots. Alternatively you can hire a stump grinder that will remove the stump and normally kills the remaining roots.

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Q: How do you kill maple tree roots?
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Do maple trees have a tap root?

Not all maple tress have roots growing above the soil. The roots of the Silver Maple Tree grow above the ground and often ravage things when planted in a home garden as they have very strong roots. the Norway Maple tree however, has roots growing just below the ground surface. Check out the link for a more detailed explanation.

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The roots provide the life source to the tree , so, cut the roots, kill the tree.

what are the adaptations of the maple tree?

The Maple has several adaptations, like most trees it drop its leaves to survive the winter time. The roots of a Maple tree are strong and extensively branched out and the fruit of the maple tree is adapted to catch wind.

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I am going to dig up a Japanese Dwarf Maple 3-4 ft and dont want to kill it, what is the roots like on these tree?

The Japanese Dwarf Maple is a shallow rooted tree, so you won't have to dig up any deep roots. But you do need to keep the roots intact, and try to keep the dirt around the roots when you transplant it; you can bundle the root ball and dirt in a burlap sack to move it (be sure to remove the sack when replanting).

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How can someone select the perfect Japanese Maple tree?

One should examine a Japanese Maple tree carefully before selecting it. Check the leaves, the bark, the roots and the color to make sure the tree is healthy.

Will galvanized bolts harm a maple tree?

It is possible that galvanized bolts will have zinc in them. And zinc can harm a maple treee if it is introduced into the tree itself. Copper nails will kill a tree.

The dissolved sugars produced in the leaves of a maple tree move to the trees roots through the?
