

How do you kill milkweed?

Updated: 3/23/2024
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14y ago

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pull the weed out simply, firmly...make sure u have a very firm grasp.

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1mo ago

To kill milkweed, you can use an herbicide containing glyphosate. Be sure to follow the product instructions carefully to safely and effectively apply the herbicide. You may need to apply multiple treatments to completely eradicate the milkweed.

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How do you get rid of milkweed bug?

The best way to get rid of milkweed bugs is via a commercially available pesticide. It is designed to quickly kill them and prevent re-infestation.

Has genetic engineering reduced the milkweed population?

Monsanto uses Round Up to kill weeds and has genetically made corn so that it grows with the Round Up. So areas that grow corn have no milkweed and the monarch butterfly needs milkweed to survive. Many garden clubs are encouraging people to grow milkweed in their gardens and get highway departments to stop mowing roadsides where milkweed grow.

How many milkweed plants are there?

There is common milkweed, purple milkweed, tropical milkweed, and swamp milkweed.

Is milkweed in Jamaica?

Yes. There is milkweed in Jamaica. The Jamaican Monarch lives on milkweed.

Is milkweed a decompose?

Milkweed is not a decomposer.

What does a milkweed egg turn into?

Eggs on milkweed are eggs of monarch butterflies or milkweed beetles.

Is milkweed vascular?

Milkweed is a vascular plant.

What type of climate dose milkweed grow in?

There are different types of milkweed. Tropical milkweed grows in the south. Common milkweed grows in on the eastern side of the Mississippi River. There is western milkweed on the Pacific coast.

Does a milkweed bug have compound eyes?

Milkweed bugs have oblong bodies that are black and orange-red in color. As its name implies, it feeds on milkweed plants. The adult milkweed bug has the ability to fly.

Is milkweed non vascular?

Milkweed is a vascular plant.

How tall is milkweed?

Some milkweed get 4 feet tall. Tropical milkweed is much shorter, perhaps 18 inches tall.

What is the title of the children's book about a mouse named Milkweed who makes a home in a log?

The title of the children's book about a mouse named Milkweed who makes a home in a log is "Milkweed."