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You can take an EC (emergency contraception) pill. If you've waited more than 48 hours, then it may be too late to do anything. You should take EC within the first 24 hours. there is a method called plan b or the morning after pill. you take it after unprotected intercourse. It has to be before 72 hours

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Q: How do you kill sperm after unprotected intercourse and for how long after?
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How long will sperm live inside the female?

Sperm can live inside of a female for up to five days after intercourse.

Does sperm die as soon as its in chlorine?

Yes, sperm doesn't last long even during intercourse. So in Chlorine it dies instantly.

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sperm can still swim for 3 days

How long would a teenagers sperm age 15 to be exact survive after intercourse?

What are you doing having Sexual intercourse at 15 or with a 15 year old.1 or both of you are below the age of consent. But to answer your question sperm can survive for up to seven days following intercourse.

How long does it take for your body to be used to birth control pill?

It takes one month for birth control to work effectively in your body & one month before you can have unprotected intercourse.

How long should you wait between intercourse to ensure mature sperm?

I have always found completing a few rows of knitting to be a very pleasant way of waiting till your next sexual encounter of the intercourse variety. Either that or handball. Handball may not be recommended if mature sperm is your goal.

How long does it take for the sperm and egg become a baby?

approximately 3 days after intercourse. However sometimes longer or not at all because the sperm has to make its way to the egg to fertilize it

How long can sperm live on a roll of toilet paper?

Wiping off the penis with toilet paper doesn't even kill germs, so no. You need a spermicidal chemical to kill sperm.

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It depends on how long he had his intercourse, and how long he had the boner for after the intercourse.

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how long dhould the bleeding occur after intercourse when you are pregnant how long should the bleeding occur after intercourse when you are pregnant

Does one blunt with marijuana seeds kill all sperm cells?

No. It is proven that marijuana decrease sperm count, but it is a very light decrease, over long periods of time.

How long after you think you may be pregonant do you have to start taking birth control to get rid of the sperm or baby?

Taking birth control if you are already pregnant or it's been days/weeks since you had unprotected sex, will not kill sperm or baby. It WILL however potentially cause permanent birth defects in an unborn child you may be carrying. Birth control is to prevent you from ovulating (releasing an egg) if you were not taking it and got pregnant- starting to take it won't kill sperm that will have already died off or an egg that has already been fertilized. Birth control is for PREVENTING pregnancy, not terminating and EXISTING one.