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You go back to the doctor and he tells you your yeast infection is gone. If you re-start the horizontal mambo too soon based on home doctorin', you'll be back at square one. i didnt go to the doctor about my yeast infection, im to self concious, when i told my mom she thought i had sex lmao i am only 14 years not that dumb. i get a yeast infection everyweek and i dont no how to get rid of it, i told my mom to pick up this special cream but she nver did, iim starting to get worried cause i dont want my body to get used to the infection and produce it where i get it like every day! what product can i use to get rid of it for good?

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13y ago
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16y ago

a suggested treatment usually lasts 5-8 days. My doctor told me that even though symptoms may have ceased, that you should continue treatment and assume that the infection is present for seven days after the start of the treatment. Obviously, if you still have symptoms after the week of treament, you should contact your doctor.

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12y ago

If your symptoms of itching, burning and discomfort are gone, then your yeast infection has cleared up. I would suggest to continue following precautions for next 1 to 2 weeks, such as avoid wearing tight jeans, douching, using tampons and scented products.

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12y ago

After self treatment with an over the counter yeast treatment you should no longer have the cottage cheese appearance in the vagina and no more itch. If you have any more symptoms you need to see the physician because the problem may not have been a yeast infection.

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Q: How do you know a yeast infection is gone and you don't go to a doctor?
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What could be the problem if you just got over a yeast infection and had intense pain and bleeding after sex?

The infection might not be gone. Go se a doctor.

How long does it take mycosyst 150mg to work on vaginal yeast infection?

Mycosyst 150mg should begin to work on getting rid of a vaginal yeast infection within the first day of use. There are many factors in determining how long it will take to completely get rid of the yeast infection. Mycosyst should be used for the entire length of time that your doctor has prescribed for you, even if you feel the yeast infection has gone away.

How do you know your completely over a yeast infection?

go to the doctor and ask them if you are cured.... You go back to the doctor and he tells you your yeast infection is gone. If you re-start the horizontal mambo too soon based on home doctorin', you'll be back at square one.

What does it mean when you have random discharge all the time?

if you have it all the time then you probally have a yeast infection. i had the same problem. it was 24/7 and im only a teen. but what i simply did was go to the doctor and they gave me a pill and the infection was gone the next day. Yeast infections are really common 7 out of 10 girls/women will get it sometime in their life.

How do u treat yeast infections?

It will burn like fire, but after you bathe take a wash cloth and wet it with vinegar and swab the affected area. Your infection will be MUCH improved immediately and gone soon thereafter. Vinegar is great for getting rid of yeast!

My yeast infection is almost gone and my doctor prescribed me Terconazole Vaginal Cream 3-Day Regimen 0.8. I was just wondering if I do one treatment tonight and feel completely fine tomorrow could?

Read the instructions on the packet

How can you clear up a male yeast infection is it diet?

With anti-fungal medication. Since a male yeast infection is external, you will probably need to see a doctor for the proper anti-fungal medication, since the over-the-counter medication sold for women's yeast infections comes formulated to insert internally (into the vagina). When you have a yeast infection, it is best to avoid foods that contain yeasts, such as breads, pizza crusts, cakes, and basically all baked goods. Also, avoid yogurt, and any other food which contains yeast - simply read the list of ingedients on the package of food to find out. Once the yeast infection is completely gone, it should be safe to eat foods containing yeast again. Yeast infections are most commonly caused by the use of antibiotics, because antibiotics kill ALL the bacteria in your body, including the "good" bacteria which helps keep things like fungal infections (yeast infections) and other imbalances from occurring. In fact, if you do not have a yeast infection and must take a course of antibiotics, it is a good idea to eat a very small amount of yogurt per day of antibiotic treatment in order to prevent a yeast infection from occurring.

Will Potassium Sorbate cure a yeast infection?

not sure...but I had a horrible HORRIBLE yeast infection and the only thing that cured it was garlic. I peeled a clove of garlic, used a new sewing needle to thread in the middle then stuck it up there. Did this for 3 nights before I went to bed and it was gone.

How will i know you don't have the yeast infection anymore?

You will know that your yeast infection is gone because it won´t itch anymore. You need to continue taking the medication for the time that you are supposed to take it for, even if the itching goes away sooner. That said, if it isn´t bothering you, don´t worry about it.

Why do I still have mild pain at the end of urination after my urine infection is gone?

You may still have some infection left even after the antibiotics are over. You will need to visit your doctor.

White discharges is a sign of menstruation?

It was for me. It happens until you get your periodIt can also be a yeast infection. If it is thick and white and you itch it is a yeast infection. You can get an over the counter cream that you use for 7 days and it will get rid of it. It can spread through sex so don't have sex until it is gone. If your discharge is thin and white or clear it is a sign of menstruation.

How do you get rid of yeast infection?

eat raw garlic cloves, chop them up and swallow them like pills, eat two cloves three times a day and the itching will be gone in a short amount of time and the infection will be gone in a few days. cinnamon can also help, drink cinnamon tea. stay away from products with yeast in them like bread until the infection is can get yeast infections from baths, uncircumcised penises if they are not cleaned thoroughly so use a condom to be safe from that, and most common (believe it or not) antibiotics because they kill off the good bacteria that fights off the yeast. so call you doctor a.s.a.p. and tell them you think you have a yeast infection and ask if you can stop taking the antibiotic.if you don't know if it is a yeast infection symptoms are white sometimes thick discharge and itching.You never ever stop taking a antibiotic until you have finished them all!Yeast infections are not dangerous and usually heal by themselves and there are also over the counter remedies at the pharmacy. Stopping antibiotics before time can lead to serious problems where you are immune to them.