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Q: How do you know if a baby bird if freezing?
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How do you know if a hummingbird in a nest is the mother or the baby?

By hearing the baby bird cheep.

How would you know if a bird is having a baby?

Birds lay eggs, they do not have a baby. A bird may lay eggs and sit on them but unless there is a male with her, they are not fertilized and will not hatch.

How do you know if a parakeet is a baby?

I believe that you look at the bird's head, where the black lines are. The more lines, the younger the bird.

How can I keep the water from freezing in my bird bath over the winter months?

First of all, birds should only drink the water in bird baths, not get in it freezing winter weather. To keep it above freezing, there are heated bird baths. For more information check out

Who do you call if you find a baby bird?

the baby bird is called nestling

Can a baby bird who has most of its feathers feed itself?

well if that baby bird is your pet and it can nearly fly,....... no. Trust me i have a baby bird for a pet.

How do you know if a baby bird has been abandoned?

Well here is one way that you know that a mother WILL abanden ther baby is if some IDIOT rubbed teir retarted sent all over the poor baby also you must knmow where the bird build there nest.If the bird is avoiding the nest you will know for. "That MYTH about mother birds killing or leaving their babies because a human has touched them is completely false. A humans scent will not make a mother bird stop caring for the babies...sorry to the asker, I don't know how you know if a baby has been abandoned, I'm looking for that answer too. But I had to unmask the 'horror huma scent' myth.

How do you save a baby bird?

you should take him to the vet as soon as possible. they will do everything possible to save it. they will know what to do.

What is the name of baby bird?

they become migits and when they turn to bird their feather get bigger

Can baby birds eat bird seeds?

No, a baby bird cant, but if it is crushed it can.

What can a baby bird do to you?

A baby bird cant harm you at all since its a baby it doesn't know anything about biting yet so don't try putting your finger in its mouth because it will get use to it and all don't carry it to much because it might die !

Why does the yolk get reduced as the baby bird starts growing?

The baby bird eats it. It's important fo baby birds to get nutrients, and the yolk contains the things a baby bird needs to grow proplerly.