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Q: How do you know if a cockatiel has a egg?
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Why does your cockatiel bite you?

they are protecting their egg.

What do you do if your cockatiel just laid an egg and is not sitting on it?

pick up the egg

Can cockatiels sit on bluebird eggs and raise them?

Well, it depends on if the cockatiel is willing to raise the egg that is obviously not it's egg. If it is, then the bluebird chick will learn how to live life as a cockatiel. The bluebird will never have a crest, but it will learn the cockatiel's language as it's own and think it is a cockatiel because that is the type of bird it is living with. However, if you had a wild cockatiel and you set a bluebird egg in with the other eggs, the cockatiel would reject the eggs because they do not look right or smell right, and would drop the egg out of the nest. I hope that answered your question. :) - Emily Sage

Can cockatiels die after laying an egg?

No the cockatiel should not be seperated from his or her mate after eggs have been laid. This should only occur if the male is aggressive to live and viable eggs. Visit cockatiel cottage for more info.

Do you have to have a male cockatiel to fertilize a female cockatiel?

Yes. Your female cockatiel may lay an egg however without a male it will not be fertilised and therefore a dud.

Female cockatiel who doesnt have a mate but she laid a egg today how can take it out of the cage and away from her with out her being upset?

remove her from the cage then remove egg

How long does it take to cockatiel egg hatch?

about long as 2 weeks

How long does it take for a cockatiel's egg to develop?

It takes about 18-21 days for cockatiel eggs to hatch.

How do you help the cockatiel egg hatch?

It depends. If you only have a girl cockatiel and it has lay-ed an egg it obviously has nothing inside it cause it hasn't done anything so u can just chuck that sort of egg out, but if u have a male and female cockatiel the best idea is to get a little bowl thing or a nest sorta thing and put either cotton balls or tissues in there and then make sure there is enough room for Ur cockatiel to sit on it and then wait till it hatches and yaaaaayyyy!!!!! you have a baby bird.

Info about cockatiels egg?

86% of the time a cockatiel's eggs aren't fertile. The cockatiel lays them if it is in love with you. If it lays them you have a problem, and it's called being egg bound. If an egg gets stuck, then your beloved bird will die.

Can a male cockateil lay eggs?

No, only female birds lay eggs. If your cockatiel laid an egg, it's a girl!

Yesterday chirping inside cockatiel egg - today no chirping is this normal?

If there was chirping in the egg, the bird was alive but not able to break the shell. No chirping today probably means it is no longer alive. Tap a hole in the egg and see if it continues the process.