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This happened to me so sorry no it doesn't. What it means is he is mad at you for trying to get him to like you. If he really liked you he would ask you out, not do something goofy like trying to make you jealous. Instead of some goofy guy doing goofy things look around for a guy that has more confidance and will care enough about you to ask you out directly.

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15y ago
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11y ago

So you think he is trying to make you jealous. This has happened to me many times before. First of all he is going to wait until your around, then snuggle up on some girl. maybe even hold hands with her or have deep conversations with her only when your around. Think about the old things you two used to do together that you found the most fun. If he does those he may be trying to make you jealous. If so you don't need him. You can find a guy way better than him. Hope it helps :)

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12y ago

It's fairly obvious. If he's "casually" talking about other girls in your presents, hanging with them in front of you, "chatting" with them on myspace, chances are; It's all a facade designed to make you jealous. Mostly the biggest sign is, if he isn't good at subtlety, that stupid smurk on his face when he does these things. By my experience...

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12y ago

Easy honey, all you do is act if you don't care

then with all your mates that are guys you should go out with them.

but dress realy sexy so it makes him want you!

but not like a slut because if hes modest he loses interest like i do with almost every girl

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13y ago

if you think a guy is trying to make you jelous think back and see if there is anything that might trigger him wanting to make you jelous and it will be obvious

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14y ago

No! He's definitely not making you jealous, UNLESS, you're the first girl he loved. 5%

Another fact, he's just FLIRTING! 95%

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