

How do you know if a male ejaculated inside you?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Um ask him!

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Q: How do you know if a male ejaculated inside you?
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You go to your local chemist and buy a pregnancy test kit!

Can you get pregnant if someone ejaculated inside you?

Yes, the way to get pregnant is by someone ejaculating inside you.

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It means that they ejaculated. (excuse me for being blunt)

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Bleach usually works.

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I first ejaculated at the age of 6 but I do not know about other peps

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It's impossible to know without looking inside of them.

Can you be pregnant if the guy ejaculated inside while the girl is on her period?

simple answer YES!

What are the 10 possibilities that yo might get pregnant?

10 possibilities are, if you have unprotected sex, you have sex during your ovulation phase, you take fertility pills and have sex, you are of mature enough age to get pregnant, you didn't use a condom, you didn't use birth controll,you had sex, you made out and a male ejaculated next your vagina, a male ejaculated inside you. you where trying to get pregnant. those are 10 possibilitys that you might get pregant.

What happens if you are gay and you ejaculated into your also gay partner?

There is no risk of fertilization, since men do not have an uterus. You partner cannot get pregnant even if you ejaculated inside him wherever the place.

If the condom broke while it was inside you and he ejaculated is there a high percentage of you getting pregnant?


If you didnt use a condom and not on birth control can you be pregnant?

It's possible.Answer 2If male ejaculated inside the female's vagina, then pregnancy is a possibility.If he ejaculated outside (used pullout method) that chance would be drastically lower, but marginally still possible.Other than that, woman has to be ovulating in the first place - if she does not produce an ovary (egg) no fertilization can happen.