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Witchcraft (Wicca) is a religion, so you can probably just ask them. Though it is a valid religion and many thoughtful intelligent people count themselves among its members, many "witches" are really just deluded wingnuts, trying to find a sense of identity. To spot the first type you can look for jewelry, maybe a pentagram (which is not an evil symbol) or a "v" possibly upside down, around their neck. You might also see them making a handsign before eating or at other times, this is part of "praying" to them. The second type are easy to spot. They dress like Goths, travel in packs, and are always trying to curse sombody. (all of which is an unconcious effort to feel less insecure)

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Most practitioners of witchcraft are ethical people who work within the "Rule of Three", which states: "That which you send out will return to you threefold." Most commonly a witch does not cast upon someone unless they have the express knowledge and permission of the person they are casting on.

So, unless the witch in question has asked you, it is unlikely he or she is "doing witchcraft on you." I

n some cases an inexperienced, untrained or unethical practitioner may be working spells on someone they have not asked, but generally speaking, the gods take care of that sort of thing… See the above mentioned Rule of Three, and understand you really do not have to be concerned.

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First of all, witchcraft doesn't exist in the fact that someone CANNOT put a spell on another person. Witchcraft is impossible to do, let alone master. Therefore, there are not signs that someone has put a spell on another person, because witchcraft and spells do not exist.

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Witchcraft is as ancient as mankind. It is the manipulation of naturally occurring forces by the mind and will of a trained (and hopefully ethical) practitioner.

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It depends on the type of witchcraft you are referring to. There are so many different types of Witchcraft. A Witchcraft book is not necessorily evil. A book cannot be evil. It depends on how you are going to use the Witchcraft in that book. You cannot say a knife is evil or a Gun is evil The person who is holding the knife or gun could be evil or could be good. It depends on the intentions of the person who is using it. If you use the knowledge for good it is good. If you use that knoeledge for bad, that is evil.

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i really dont know

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Sybil Leek, Gerald Gardner, Raymond Buckland.

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Admit it

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How true that the Latin word prayers can use to make a witchcraft in one person?

That is not true.