



This is the category where your questions about witches and witchcraft as a spiritual path should go. Based on an ancient shamanistic way of life, witchcraft is a spiritual system known as "The Craft of the Wise" and were a valuable part of villages and communities. Practitioners were the healers and leaders of their people. Modern witches follow the cycles of the sun, the moon and the seasons of the earth for guidance and knowledge. Most, but not all witches practice some form of magic in its true meaning.

1,155 Questions

What accessories does a witch have?

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Entirely depends on the individual. Some general "themes" you may see among a majority of witches' spiritual belongings are things like

  • Divination tools
  • Rocks and gems
  • Dried herbs, feathers, rain water, essential oils
  • Figures, posters, cards, or painted/carved images that represent deities
  • Candles, matches, incense, perfumes in large quantities and varieties
  • Seemingly random collections of nonfiction books (like plant or stone identification, ancient languages, dream interpretation)
  • Jars, Bottles, and Small Knives
  • A handwritten book of spells, associations, observations, poems, and unique symbols

This is extremely generic of course.

A witch's altar, study materials and magical items will be very personal. They may have a permanent fixture of some sort of devotion to a specific deity (or a few).

You might just not even notice a practitioner's magical items in their home unless you really know what you're looking for.

Are witchcraft and sorcery accepted as having scientific basis?

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No, witchcraft and sorcery are not accepted as having a scientific basis. These practices are considered to be based on superstition, folklore, and belief in supernatural powers, rather than empirical evidence or scientific principles.

Why would people believe that today's Winchester 94 EA or AE models are based off the 1984 model - virtually unchanged?

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People may believe this because the Winchester 94 EA or AE models share similar design elements and functionality with the 1984 model. However, subtle improvements and updates have likely been made over the years, making the current models not exactly the same as the 1984 version. Additionally, the overall appearance and feel of the newer models may contribute to the perception of similarity to the 1984 model.

What object is associated as a means of transportation for a witch?

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I believe you are referring to a broom. However, it should be noted that this is a myth, one that goes back to the middle ages. It was believed back then that witches had magical brooms that they used to cast spells and to spread magical potions throughout an environment (such as in a room, or even onto a person's body). There is no credible evidence that women who practiced witchcraft actually rode brooms, but people who were frightened of witches came to believe these women were capable of levitating and flying through the air.

How do you know if a spell has been cast on you?

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You may notice factors like feeling unusually drained, experiencing recurrent nightmares, or sensing a sudden shift in emotions or behavior. A sudden string of bad luck or unusual occurrences could also indicate that a spell has been cast on you. Consulting with a practitioner skilled in spiritual matters can help identify and address any potential spells.

How did they punish witches?

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During the medieval times, suspected witches were often subjected to torture to extract confessions. Punishments for witches included burning at the stake, drowning, hanging, or imprisonment. The severity of punishment varied depending on the location and time period.

How do you cast spells?

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Casting spells often involves preparing mentally, gathering required materials or tools, setting intentions, and channeling energy to manifest your desired outcome. Some common practices include visualization, incantations, rituals, and invoking external forces or deities. It's important to research and understand the specific techniques and ethics involved in the type of spellwork you're interested in.

How is Aslan's power the opposite of the witch?

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Aslan's power is characterized by love, selflessness, and a sense of justice, whereas the White Witch's power revolves around fear, tyranny, and manipulation. Aslan's power is pure and comes from a place of compassion and righteousness, while the White Witch's power is fueled by control and domination over others. Ultimately, Aslan's power is portrayed as the embodiment of good, while the White Witch represents evil in "The Chronicles of Narnia" series.

How do you calm someone down?

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To calm someone down, try using a soothing tone of voice, encouraging deep breathing exercises, and providing a listening ear without judgment. Offer support and reassurance to help them feel more grounded and in control of their emotions.

Who is a witch supposed to have dealings with?

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A witch is commonly believed to have dealings with supernatural entities such as spirits, deities, or the Devil, depending on cultural beliefs. Additionally, witches may have encounters with other witches, either as mentors or as members of covens for magical practices and rituals.

Witches are all women?

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No, witches can be of any gender. The term "witch" traditionally refers to someone who practices witchcraft, regardless of their gender.

Is there black magic in pyramid?

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No, there is no evidence to support the existence of black magic in pyramids. Pyramids were built by ancient civilizations for various purposes, such as tombs or religious structures, and do not possess any inherent mystical or supernatural powers.

What skin problem do witches have?

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There is no specific skin problem associated with witches. Witches are fictional characters often portrayed with various physical attributes, but skin problems are not typically part of their depiction.

Does Satan possess unlimited Powers even to kill a person?

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Asked by Domingos

Christian belief attributes a great deal of power to Satan, but always assumes that Satan will not use those powers to kill anyone. In the Book of Job, God instructed Satan to do any manner of evil to the person of Job, but to stop short of actually killing him. The Books of Matthew and Luke say that Satan lifted Jesus up and placed him on a pinnacle of the temple - if Satan can do that, he can pick an ordinary person up and drop him from a great height.

Christianity has more to gain by focussing our fear of Satan on the spiritual and eternal hellfire than on the possibility that he might kill someone..

Are witches satanists?

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This question does not have a clear answer, if one is a worshipper of Satan (s)he could still do whatever they feel like to do, as most of the humans normally do. Another things is depending on the Church/culture you worship Satan in/with. For example Satanism described by Anton Szandor Lavey (Satanic church) is ment to be an ideology. Of course it has rules and holidays and certain ideas. But one can not clearly state how people perceive ideas and the written words, nor how they respond to it.

How do you do black magic?

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Black Magic is a misnomer, magic has no polarity, it is simply power.

There are two mistaken but common usages for the term "black magic".

-The first is any use of unexplainable energies seen to have "supernatural" basis, and believed by some to "come from the Devil" or be "the Devil's work".

This a religious prejudice, and patently false. Most of the people practicing the Craft are Pagans, followers of any one of a large number of spiritual paths that include magic in their lives. None of them believe in the "Devil", he is an entity of the Abrahamic religions.

-The second is in reference to any "harmful" use of magic.

Witches like everyone else in the world are human and subject to all the good, bad and indifferent motivations of the rest of humankind.

An ethical practitioner spends a large amount of his/her time checking and rechecking the motivation behind their use of magic. We all make mistakes, but at least with an ethical practitioner of magic, you can be certain we take full responsibility for our actions.

Where did witches start?

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No one truly knows that answer. It's known to go back as far as words were written and spoken. The term witchcraft, however, came from the Celtic word "Wicca."

What is the witches mark?

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Asked by Wiki User

A Point of View : The greatest challenge to the churches that ran society was an increase in knowledge, Ironically brought about by its own position as the bearer of the knowledge of man. The results of enlightenment with all of its bumps and warts so to speak would eventually topple the life and death hold that it had over the people most of whom were illiterate and completely uneducated. So dedicated was the Catholic church to the ignorance of the ordinary man that it did its mass in Latin to make sure that there was a minimum amount of thought. There are however people in every society Both male and female that stand out Either through their ability to deal with the philosophical implication of an argument or the ability to see nature for what it is ie, the Earth revolves around the Sun. or any number of understandings about the mathematical and scientific order of things. There is a fact of life and that is that in any powerful organization the hardest nut ends up at the top of the heap, and they fear the truth. They depend on ignorance for their continued authority. So those that would oppose the church was marked a heretic or witch. So I suppose the mark of the witch would be closely associated with one that wishes to find a the path to enlightenment. The basis for the classic "witch hunts" were to purge the "church" of those that did acts that the church did not condone. These acts were predicated on the verse in Deuteronomy that reads... De 18:10 "There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, Now the "witchcraft" translation that was common among the English of the 1500's was not the same thing that the Hebrew word means. The Hebrew word means a "mediums" so popular a couple of years back..those who commune with the dead. Wicca today is more of a nature worship, complete with it's own set of rituals and solomn events. This "mark of the witch" is superstition developed by the hierarchy of the Church for their own purposes. There is no physical mark distinguishable on the practitioners of Wicca.

Are there any witchcraft stores in Michigan?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are these types of shops in Michigan, but not in Saginaw. You can contact Wiccan groups for leads to supply stores.

Why was there a witch craze in the 17th century?

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Asked by Wiki User

Witch-hunting in the 17th centuryYes, especially in Calvinist parts of the world, such as Cromwellian England, parts of Hungary and New England witch-hunting was an evil past-time in the period from about 1600-1720 or so.

There certainly was but the question is Why?

It was also strong in France & other Catholic countries.

Hugh Trevor-Roper writes (in 1959) of a "General Crisis in the 17th Centuries" characterised by wars, epidemics & poor harvests as well as ideological conflicts & sees the surge in witchcraft persecutions as one aspect of this. The clash between opposing Christains was far more destructive with the Thirty Years War resulting in a 20-255 casualty rate in Germany.

Did witches exist in Mexico?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are historical and archeological evidences that there was some form of Witchcraft or a Mystic Religion practiced in Mexico.

Not only in Mexico, but all around the world there existed many Mystic Religions similar to Witchcraft.

These Mystic Religions were not originally called Witchcraft, since the word Witchcraft was introduced by the Vatican around 1600.

Are magic schools real?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well, there was a man named Blaise Pascal, who created Pascal's Wager. He says, "It is better to believe in a religion and find out you're wrong, then to not believe in religion and find out you're wrong." What he is trying to say is if you believe in a religion(I'll be using Catholicism for my examples) and you believe in all the good stuff waiting for you if you're good, you have something to strive for. When you don't believe, your life becomes pointless.

What did Sarah Goode do?

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Sarah Goode was a beggar in Salem because her husband had been very irresponsible with his money. She was one the first to be accused in the Salem witch panic because if her position in society. She was convicted and subsequently executed on July 19, 1692.

What were witches in shakespeare's time?

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Asked by Wiki User

Normal people cause witches don't ageist they are just a myth, or that people who went to church so the right a letter to accuse someone off being a witch, after being accused the church people / who ever is in charge would drop the accused into water if they floated they were a witch and if they sunk they would be human, people only said they were witch is so that they wouldn't have to drown and die

How old is Samantha on Bewitched?

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The audience never really finds out how old she is. In season 1, episode 22, Darrin asks Samantha when her birthday is and how old she is. Her birthday is on June 6, but she never admits the year, and is troubled by the question of her age. In addition, Conversations between Samantha and her mother Endora suggest she has lived for a very long time because they are witches.
This question was never directly answered on the show. It was, however, hinted that Samantha was alive during the original Salem Witch Trials and was around as far back as the construction of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. So, a safe estimate would be at least several hunderd years old.