



This is the category where your questions about witches and witchcraft as a spiritual path should go. Based on an ancient shamanistic way of life, witchcraft is a spiritual system known as "The Craft of the Wise" and were a valuable part of villages and communities. Practitioners were the healers and leaders of their people. Modern witches follow the cycles of the sun, the moon and the seasons of the earth for guidance and knowledge. Most, but not all witches practice some form of magic in its true meaning.

500 Questions

Who started magic?

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Paganism, Witchcraft & magic are as old as mankind. Anything, beyond your understanding or comprehension can be considered magic. A cell phone to a primitive is magic.

When mankind first started being self aware, we looked beyond ourselves and needed answers to things like, where does the sun go at night? How do we insure it will come back? How do we heal wounds and illnesses? How do we find food?

Eventually members of the group who discovered things, like which plants helped an upset stomach, where to find water, what the migration patterns of the local animals were and other things, became the ones others turned to for answers. These were the Wise Ones...

The cycles of the seasons where in our blood and instincts, as they governed our survival. The wise ones were the ones who kept track of the right time to plant, and harvest, ensuring the continuance of the people.

As we became more evolved the amount of knowledge expanded, and those with the answers learned a few tricks of their own.

If someone tells you a certain herb will cure your cut, you may or may not believe them, if they are well respected and do a little spell/prayer over the cut at the same time as using the herb, you tend to believe... Particularly if it works... you then tell others of the "power" of the Wise One... Eventually a name gets made, and expectation are raised...

It is a commonly accepted fact that your mind has a strong influence on your body... If you believe in something it has a better chance of working. the Wise Ones figured this out early on, so a little "showmanship" helped their reputation...

As spell/prayers/magic/ became standardized and passed on from generation to generation, the words became of equal importance to the practical application...

Magic became accepted as something that worked...

Science is today what magic once was, a practical, evolving set of standard results from repeated experimentation...

Even modern medicine can't tell us everything the mind is capable of, so some of us still believe in and practice Magic...

Gerald Gardner originally started Wicca, but it is unknown who actually started magic. Some say that it was created by the Gods, and was descended upon the mortals for being faithful to the Gods. It is also said that on the seventh day that God was resting, that Satan created a witch and put him on Earth to wreak havoc.

But in other words, it is really unknown who originally started it.

How do you spell egyptins?

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I think you answered that youself!

How are the accused supposed to defend themselves against charges of witchcraft?

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There wasn't a way because there was a test. They threw you in a river and if you floated you were a witch and if you drowned you werent a witch. so either way you died xx

Can males be witches as well?

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Yes, both females and males can be, and are witches.

The word "witch" is NOT gender specific. Many people erroneously call a male witch "warlock," however, the word is an extremely rude term meaning "Oath Breaker" or "One who has broken with god."

Why were woman vulnerable to accusations to witchcraft?

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Women's position in society made them vunerable and the picture of the stereotypical witch was built around that.

Nineteen people were hanged where for accusations of witchcraft?

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I'm going to assume you mean Salem, Massachusetts 1692.

How did Matthew Hopkins prove that the people he caught were witches?

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Physical torture was illegal in England. However their definition of torture was rather loose. Suspects could be forced to stay awake for as many as 5 days. They were forced to run around the room until they collapsed from exhaustion. The swimming test was not torture, it tested if they were a witch or not and was NOT designed to make them confess.

Why was witchcraft punishable by death in Massachusetts?

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Probably based on English Common Law of the time which took references to the King James version of the Bible: Exodus (22:18) says, Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. And Leviticus (20:27) says, A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood (shall be) upon them.

What were the beliefs of witchcraft in the Renaissance?

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Some commonly held beliefs regarding Witchcraft are:

* Everything has a spirit. A rock, the grass, you or me, the animals.

* There is duality nature. Neither is more important than the other and both are needed for survival.

*There are both Gods and Goddesses

*The changing of the seasons and their symbolic meanings are celebrated throughout the year. The most common being Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Midsummer, Lughnassadh, Mabon.

* "Like attracts like". What you put out in the world will return to you.

There are many different paths/relgions in the world and each has value and should be respected.

What are the types of behavior linked to witchcraft?

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Not to positive, you might just want to ask them flat out, don't try to invistigate... ************* If you mean REAL witch behavior and not the green skinned movie witches, then this would be the typical witch's sabbat/ceremony: 1. Gather your candles, your athame (that is a sacred knife used to draw/focus energy), your incense, your alter cloth of choice, salt, water, oil, cup cakes and "ale" (my coven uses fruit juices and not actual ale).

2. Place them all on the alter and around the circle like this:

Green Candle (North)

Blue Candle Cakes & Ale i (alter candle) Incense Yellow Candle

(West) Oil Salt Water Athame (East)

Red Candle (South)

3. Cast Circle

4. Ring bell if needed

5. Call those who wish to join the circle (this just announcing that the ceremonies are about to begin).

6. Read the ceremony. Which does NOT include orgies, nudity, sacrificing of anyone or anything, or anything else you think witches do. [To hear an actually ceremony this eBay seller ( has one. She allows clients access to it on just ask her about it and she'll arrange for you to have access].

7. Perform cakes and ale (this is simply a blessing of the food).

8. Close the circle and party (games and food).


Other then that we do the same things day in and day out that other people do. We work, we go to school and so on. Hope this answers your question. ******* The same as you do. We worship our gods, go to work, sigh over abundant bills and gas prices, do laundry, watch tv, plant gardens and try to make the world a better place. :o)

How do you spell whasington?

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If you mean the city and state, then it is "Washington".

What are the solutions to witchcraft?

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As with any of the thousands of other spiritual paths in the world the answer is TOLERANCE & ACCEPTANCE.

Do witchcraft accusations and beliefs mirror a society's ideological and material concerns?

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Witchcraft is based on superstitious beliefs,ussually societies with certain characteristics are associated with such beliefs. witchcraft is associated with ancient beliefs whose basis is contestable.most simple uneducated societies are proponents of witchcraft and other related beliefs and practises.

the ideological foundations of witchcraft is universally similar showing the link with spiritualism,and religion epitomises the rival,evil force which exist in competition with that of good.

however there are exceptions s there is substantial evidence pointing to the acknowledgement of witchcraft in first world societies.whilst there is agreement on the materialistic belief and supernatural capabilities of those in its practise ,there is a gaping difference as to the ideology to be attached to the practise most third world societies witchcraft is almost always negatively potrayed;witched,wizards and their apparel are merchants of harm to mankind.This is in sharp contrast to western ideology in witch majic can be associated with good fortune.

witchcraft beliefs point to a society's material beliefs but there is varied ideological interpretations to the beliefs based on level of society's civilisation,education and religion

How do you become a spell casting wizard?

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To be honest, the term "wizard" doesn't really exist. Both male and female spell casters are usually called witches. One can become a witch by practicing the religion Wicca for a year and a day. However, one does not have to be a Wiccan to cast a spell. All you need is the spell and the materials required. Just follow the directions, and you've cast the spell!

A Pagan Perspective

Just for the record, not all people who call or consider themselves Witches are Wiccan. Nor do all people who cast spells call or consider themselves Witches.

Casting a spell is simply the manipulation of naturally occurring powers (magic) by the hand and will of a practitioner.

Anyone willing to do the research, and practice is capable of casting spells. Part of that research is learning to use the "power" in an ethical and honest manner.

Are wizards real or fake?

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Yes and no.

If your image of a wizard is Harry Potter and Dumbledore then no they're not real.

A real life wizard is basically a person who has developed and trained their mind to better control their body, or "mind over matter" as it is more commonly known.

A real wizard is able to raise his/her strength levels dramatically, cool/heat up their body dramatically, ignore pain itself, and an infinite amount more.

It takes years to develope even some of these abilities.

There is no such thing as a "real life wizard."

How do you know if someone have witchcraft on your husband?

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Does he have an uncommon infection or fell strange pains. If so, evil magick. If he is unnormally happy or jittery the person might have healed his soul. If none then nothing happened to him. Look up my spelling of magick for more info on this.

What does god think about witchcraft?

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As most of the practicing witches I know are polytheistic, I'd have to say no.

Not only does the Craft not go against god, it works with many of them, goddesses too.

Ours tends to be an inclusive spiritual path, we respect other belief systems, we just don't follow all of what others say.

This does not mean however that there are not other views. Some spiritual paths believe that their way is not only the right way, but the only way so they tend to have a problem with the Craft.

Where to get wands in the Philippines?

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The best magic wands are the ones you make for yourself!

A good book on the magic of woods and their uses will give you a place to begin. Adding gems, crystals, metals etc. will fine tune the wand. You will need another book on the uses and magics of the additionals.

Who is the most powerful witch?

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"Mater Lachrimarum", the mother of tears.

Are spells real?

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Another Thought

Sorcery is the practice of magic and magical science without a connection to a spiritual path. The study and practice of Alchemy was one of most commonly practiced forms of sorcery.

Magic is the manipulation of naturally occurring forces by the hand and will of an ethical (hopefully) practitioner.

The connection to a spiritual path tends to make the ethical part of the equation a bit easier to achieve.

Historically, the studies of science tend to have practitioners doing things "because they can." in stead of deciding whether or not they "should' do them.

What are the names of the witches in?

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No names are given to the witches other than to their leader, Hecate, in the play "Macbeth" by William Shakespeare (Baptized April 26, 1564 - April 23, 1616).

Specifically, three witches are in the play's opening act and interact with Macbeth (d. August 15, 1057) until after the murder of Banquo in Act 3. Throughout, they remain unnamed. Their leader appears in Act 3, just before the witches' final meeting with Macbeth. She is identified as Hecate at that point.

Are bugs involved in witchcraft?

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A lot of witchcraft is nature based, so yes, insects can be involved with it.

Did witches exist?

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Yes. "Witchcraft" is nothing more than using the powers of the mind to manifest your desires in reality. The ancient people who worshiped the old gods (Zeus, Amon Ra, Odin, Thor, Aphrodite, etc.) knew this well, since their lives were based upon nature. There were many deities who instructed mankind on the ways of witchcraft.

Christianity turned these original gods into the "Demons of Hell" and made witchcraft "evil" in order to gain complete control of society and scare people away from this ancient knowledge.