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Often like any other animal with rabies. The squirrel is not scared of you, chases you, acts aggressive, comes near you very often, so on

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If it is hydrophobic, acting overly hyper and/or foaming at the mouth then stay away!

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12y ago

If it is acting overly hyper and/or foaming at the mouth then it is rabid. If you get bit call 911. z

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Q: How do you know if a groundhog is rabid?
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How do you know if you have a gopher or groundhog in your yard?

how do you know if you have a groundhog or if it is a gopher in your yard?

What can happen to a dog if he is bitten by a groundhog?

Groundhogs can and do contract rabies and it is a concern. While they are not one of the most common vectors of the virus, a rabid groundhog isn't a pretty site and they will attack a person. They don't just carry it. If they get rabies, they will die from it.If a pet is bitten by a rabid animal, staying away from it isn't going to help you AND it can possibly expose you to the virus. If it turns out you have a rabid pet, you and anyone who came in contact with that pet in the last 6 weeks or should be treated for potential exposure as well. Rabies is virtually 100% fatal (with 6 known survivors). This is NOT a disease to sit around and wait to see if anything happens.

How do they know the groundhog seen his shawdow are they following him?

This myth is part of the folklore associated with Groundhog's Day. There is no way to know for sure whether or not a groundhog recognizes its shadow.

How does a groundhog grow?

i dont know. who does?

How can you know that rat is rabid?

brain tissue sample

Can a groundhog be trained to know some English?


What is believing in groundhog day called?

that you believe in groundhog day. there may be a unscientific name but no one will know what it means

Did the groundhog see its shadow 2012 Winnipeg?

Yes, it did. There are six more weeks of winter! Yea! But it's a groundhog...what does it know?

Is a skunk rabid if out at dusk?

I don't know for sure but that is what I have always heard.

What is the opposite of rabid?

not rabid

What does rabid cat act like?

A rabid cat acts rabid

Is groundhod day legit why is it a groundhog why not a bird how does it know when to come out?

Groundhog Day is a fun tradition. It has no basis in fact, but it is a fun sort of tradition. It could have been any animal, but why not let the groundhog have a claim to one day of the year?