

Gophers and Groundhogs

The smaller gopher and the larger groundhog are burrowing members of the numerous, successful order of rodents. Both are known for their extensive underground tunnels, which may support thousands of sociable gophers and far less of the more solitary groundhog. Typical contributors seek answers to gopher and groundhog defensive behaviors, environmental roles in opening up air passageways underground and sharing underground homes with other wildlife, geographic ranges, representations in popular culture, survival threats, and troubled interactions with people.

500 Questions

What does chuck mean in in the tongue twister if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

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In the tongue twister, "chuck" is used as a verb to describe the action of throwing or moving something (wood, in this case) with force. The phrase plays on the sound similarity between a woodchuck (a groundhog-like animal) and the action of chucking wood.

What is the scientific name of a pocket gopher?

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The scientific name of a pocket gopher is Geomyidae.

How do you get to tulgey woods?

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Tulgey Woods is a fictional location from Lewis Carroll's poem "Jabberwocky" in the book "Through the Looking-Glass." As it is not a real place, you cannot physically get there. It exists only in the realm of literature and imagination.

Who was the newspaper editor responsible for Groundhog Day?

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The newspaper editor responsible for Groundhog Day in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, was John Reed. He helped establish the tradition of the groundhog emerging from its burrow to predict the weather on February 2nd.

How far away shoud groundhogs be released from a trap to be sure they won't return?

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Asked by Wiki User

Groundhogs should be released at least 5 miles away from the trapping site to prevent them from returning. This distance ensures they are less likely to find their way back to their original territory. Consider releasing them in a suitable habitat with food and shelter to encourage a successful relocation.

Is there another name for Groundhog Day?

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Candlemas is a Christian holiday, celebrating the ritual purification of Mary that occurs on the same day.

Do ground hogs chew wood?

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They don't chew on wood, but they do sometimes eat bark.

Is eating wood harmful?

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A human cannot digest wood. Small amounts of wood (such as a pinch of sawdust)will eventually pass though the digestive system without doing you any harm. Larger amounts could give the eater problems.

Treated woods might be harmful.

What makes a groundhog lose its fur?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes a just little bit

What is the difference between ground hogs and woodchucks?

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Woodchuck and groundhog are common terms for the same animal. Most closely related to squirrels, woodchucks actually can climb trees and also swim.

What happened to kold weatherman chuck george?

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Have you seen Bruce almighty when Evan baxter starts mumbling on air? That's what happened to hI'm (it's on the Arizona daily star)

How does a groundhog feel just before it begins its long sleep?

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No one can tell you how they feel, since no humans speak groundhog. We can assume they feel fat and sleepy, but no one can say for sure. And if you write in this part, the computer assumes your question has already been answered, and sends it over to the "been answered" pile- where it will not GET answered. I caught your question by chance.

Do groundhogs eat milkweed?

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I grew beautiful marigolds from seeds (the single petal French variety), planted them in two separate locations and they were devoured. They definitely do eat marigolds and seem to be quite fond of them as I had around 50 plants destroyed.

How much is wood cost?

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it depends on where you are buying it from, and of course, the size

What is groundhogs enemy?

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Groundhogs enemies are bobcats, foxes, and human beings.

Will lime repel groundhogs?

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No they will walk right across it.

What does a groundhog do?

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Last I checked with my groundhog he didn't have any superstitions, however, humans who live predominantly in North America have a weather forecasting superstition (or more precisely a myth) about him.

It is believed that the groundhog always comes out of his den on the second of February to ascertain the weather conditions.

If when he pokes his head out of hi den, he sees his shadow (the day is bright & sunny) then it is said he returns to his den because winter has six more weeks of control of the land.

If he does not see his shadow (the day is overcast or the weather inclement) he remains above ground and expects Spring to appear.

This can most likely be traced back to an old British rhyme:

If Candlemas be fair and bright,

Come, Winter, have another flight.

If Candlemas brings clouds and rain,

Go Winter, and come not again.

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck meaning?

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Asked by Wiki User

As much wood as a woodchuck would chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

What does not see shadow or sees his shadow?

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Asked by Wiki User

a groundhog, of course~ Punxutawney Phil. All it means is this: if the little rodent casts a shadow, there will be six weeks left of winter. If he doesn't cast a shadow, winter will end sooner. This year, on Feb. 2, today, which is Groundhog Day, he did NOT see his shadow, so it'll be an early Spring.

Is it better to go walking before you eat or after you eat?

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For light exercise such as walking, it really shouldn't matter. Being completely starved when walking isn't much fun at all, but assuming you're well energized, walking before isn't going to create any problems. Unless you happen to consume a huge meal, it's unlikely you'll cramp doing something as light as walking, so walking after isn't a problem either. I'm sure some arguments about metabolism and weight loss will be made, but overall, it's just good to be somewhat active, whether or not it's the most perfectly optimum calorie burning activity.

How much would could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

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Asked by Jaelyn Vogt

As much wood as a woodchuck would chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

How much wood to make 100 toothpicks?

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It depends on how big the tree is. simply 100 to 100000000 the trunk of the tree has to harden first