


US Marine Corps

A special unit of the US Military whose predominant role is in special national and international missions.

3,274 Questions

Should use an umbrella during thunderstorm and lightning?

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It is not safe to use an umbrella during a thunderstorm and lightning. Umbrellas can act as lightning rods and increase the risk of being struck. It is recommended to seek shelter indoors during a thunderstorm to stay safe.

What element ground state is different from predicted?

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Helium's ground state is different from what is predicted by the Aufbau principle. This is because electron-electron repulsion causes the 2s orbital to have a lower energy than the 2p orbital, leading to the filling of the 2s orbital before the 2p orbital.

What time is 16.15 military time?

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16:15 in military time is equivalent to 4:15 PM in a 12-hour clock format.

What time is 0950 in military time?

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0950 in military time is 9:50 AM. Military time follows a 24-hour clock system where numbers past 1200 are typically referred to as PM.

What countries have a marine climate?

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Countries with a marine climate include the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Japan, Chile, and Norway. These countries have mild temperatures, moderate rainfall, and relatively stable weather patterns due to their proximity to large bodies of water.

2200 hours military time in the UK time zone is?

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2200 hours military time is equivalent to 10:00 PM in the UK time zone.

Are the 48 states about 2 times or 20 times larger than Japan?

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The 48 contiguous states are about 20 times larger than Japan in terms of land area. Japan is a relatively small country, while the United States is much larger in size due to the vast land area it covers across North America.

What time is it in Iowa when its midnight in military time?

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2400 hours. Military time isn't based on a single time zone, but utilises the same time zone in which operations are being conducted.


Midnight is 0000 hours, NOT 2400 hours! And the US seems to be the only place where it's referred to as 'military time'.

What did the Mariner and viking missions to Mars tell us?

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The Mariner and Viking missions to Mars provided valuable information about the Martian atmosphere, surface features, and potential for supporting life. They confirmed the presence of water in the past, discovered evidence of ancient river valleys and volcanoes, and conducted the first successful lander mission on Mars, which included taking images and analyzing soil samples.

What is 2015 hours military time in normal time?

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2015 hours = 8:15 PM

There are 24 hours in a day, but usually times only go up to 12. After 11:00 is 12:00, and after 12:00 we go back to 1:00. Because this means there can only be 12 different times, we say that some times are a.m. (in the morning) and others are p.m. (afternoon or night). If you have absolutely no idea what time it is and someone says it's 8:00, you need to know whether that's a.m. or p.m. in order to know what time it actually is.

The other way to talk about times is to go from 0:00 (midnight) to 23:00 (11:00 p.m.). This way, the time always means "hours since midnight" -- if you say times this way, you don't need a.m. and p.m. For example, if you have no idea what time it is and someone says it's 13:00, then you know it's 13 hours after midnight, which can only mean 1:00 p.m. (in the afternoon).

2015 hours is the same as saying 20:15, which means 20 hours and 15 minutes since midnight. If you see a time that's more than 12:00, you can just subtract 12 from it and make it p.m. This means that 2015 hours is the same as 8:15 p.m.

Why is it so dangerous to use an umbrella in a thunderstorm?

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Using an umbrella in a thunderstorm can be dangerous because it is a metal object that can attract lightning. If lightning were to strike the umbrella, the electricity could travel through the metal pole and potentially harm the person holding it. It is safer to seek shelter indoors during a thunderstorm.

1630 hours in military time is what normal time?

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It is normal time. Most of the world uses the 24 hour clock, rather than the 12 hour clock. As far as the 12 hour clock would go, that would be 4:30 PM. Anything you see over 13:00, just subtract 12, and you'll get the time you would on a 12 hour clock (PM).

How long do you have to train to be a marine bioligest?

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Becoming a marine biologist typically involves completing a bachelor's degree in marine biology or a related field, which usually takes about four years. Further training, such as obtaining a master's degree or Ph.D., can take an additional 2-5 years. Continuous learning and experience in the field are also important for career development.

What is marine wealth of India?

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The marine wealth of India includes a diverse range of marine resources such as fish, invertebrates, seaweed, minerals, and energy sources found within its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). India's marine wealth supports its fishing industry, aquaculture, maritime trade, and provides opportunities for research and development in areas such as marine biotechnology and renewable energy from sources like tidal and wave power.

How much money does a marine biologist intern make?

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Marine biologist internships are often unpaid or provide a small stipend. Some internships may offer compensation, but it varies widely depending on the organization and location.

What are the core top samples in marine geology?

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The core top samples in marine geology are sediment samples collected from the top layer of the ocean floor. These samples are essential for studying past environmental conditions, including sea level changes, climate variations, and sedimentation rates. Analyzing core top samples can provide valuable insights into the history and dynamics of marine environments.

Why are the Mariners called the Mariners?

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The name "Mariners" was chosen to represent Seattle's strong connection to the maritime industry and its location on the Puget Sound. The name reflects the city's history and the importance of the sea in the region.

Should the military rank of major be capitalized?

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Yes, the military rank of Major should be capitalized when referring to it as a title before someone's name (e.g., Major Smith).

Is it right to judge other people?

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It is important to remember that everyone has their own life experiences and perspectives. While it's normal to form opinions about others, it's not right to make harsh or unfair judgments without understanding their full story. Practicing empathy and open-mindedness can help foster understanding and compassion for others.

How many deaths has there been in boxing?

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Exact numbers can vary, but it is estimated that there have been hundreds of deaths in the sport of boxing throughout history. The risks associated with boxing include head injuries, brain trauma, and other serious injuries that can lead to fatalities. Safety measures and regulations are in place to help minimize these risks.

When a student was asked why he missed class he gave an evasive answer. What would be a good evasive answer?

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A good evasive answer could be, "I had a personal matter to attend to that couldn't be rescheduled." This answer doesn't provide specific details but still gives a reason for missing class.

What is the phrasal compound melville was a wonderful 19th century American author who wrote adventure stories?

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The phrase "melville was a wonderful 19th century American author who wrote adventure stories" describes Herman Melville, a notable American author known for adventure stories in the 19th century.

How do you beat level 4 on one shot one kill?

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In level 4 of "One Shot, One Kill," precision and timing are key. Aim for headshots to take out enemies quickly and conserve ammo. Utilize cover to avoid getting hit, and keep moving to find better vantage points and stay ahead of enemy movements.

In the rime of the ancient mariner how does the mariner describe his current life?

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Since this incident, the Mariner at uncertain hours is terrorized by this memory.
"Since then, at uncertain hour,

That agony returns:

And till my ghastly tale is told,

This heart within me burns. "

So now he must tell this story to others to relieve the pain of his memory.

"I know the man that must hear me:

To him my tale I teach. "