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you know they are blind with both eyes by looking at them and the eyes not being their original eye colour. it would be like silver :( its sad is'nt D:

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Q: How do you know if an English cocker spaniel is blind?
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Related questions

Did cocker spaniel originate from Spain?

yes they have originated from Spain. i know this because the word Spain it in spaniel.

Who holds the world record for most cocker spaniel pups?

Not sure but would love to know myself as my cocker spaniel x cavalier had 12 pups in for 1 st litter she mated with a cocker x mini schnauzer

Does a cocker spaniel breed well with a beagle?

yes it does trust me i would know!!:)

How can you tell if a cocker spaniel is mixed or purebred?

AnswerHere's how you can know:1.) The cocker spaniel has papers from the AKC.2.) You have examined many cocker spaniel pictures and know the breed well enough to tell by looking at it.

Why does your cocker spaniel sneeze and roll when on the carpet?

i don't know but ours douse that to, probably it makes them happy

Can you cross a cocker spaniel with a Doberman?

Yes, you can, any dog species can inter-breed. I don't know what you'd get though.

What are a Cocker Spaniel's adaptations?

um i just know to grassy places likes going on walk where there's sand and likes swimming.

What is the best name for a dog that is a very cute Cocker Spaniel?

Well if it's a girl you should name it Sherlene and if it's a boy you should name it Grogger.I don't know if you will like these names or not but that's my choice. I think Molly or Lucy would be very cute names for a cocker spaniel.

The Cocker Spaniel Might Be The Dog For You?

If you’re interested in bringing a dog into your life, the cocker spaniel might be the dog of your dreams. This sturdy pooch is mid-sized and ready to work at any available opportunity. They’re of moderate intelligence, but most noticeable about them is their unbelievably sweet disposition. Few people can resist taking home a cocker spaniel that has looked them directly in the eyes. They practically beg you to be their owner and give them dog food. Be warned, though: This is a dog that needs to get its exercise. If you don’t exercise your cocker spaniel enough, its behavior will go from sweet to troublesome. Excessive barking is a sure sign that your cocker spaniel needs to get more exercise and less rest-time. The American cocker spaniels that we know and love are descended from 14th century English cocker spaniels. Chances are that 14th century English cocker spaniels were also 15-30 pounds, just like today’s American cocker spaniels. They were used to for bird hunting and some spaniels today are used for that reason also. They are excellent bird dogs. Your dog needs more than just exercise. It will need a mix of exercise, affection, and rest in order to live its life to the fullest. Make sure to take your cocker spaniel for regular visits to the vet. Cataracts and hip dysplasia are common medical conditions found in the breed. One of the biggest decisions facing you will be where to buy the cocker spaniel. They’re available at pet stores but you can find them at animal shelters as well. Mixed breeds will have some of the traits of the spaniel as well. Wherever you buy your dog, make sure that it didn’t come from a puppy mill. Buying a shelter dog is one of the ways to rule out that the dog was the product of a puppy mill. No one operates a puppy mill and then gives the pups away for free. When you bring your new cocker spaniel home, you’ll have a faithful friend for life. Read a lot of literature about training your new dog and be the leader that it needs in order to be a happy canine.

Are English cocker spaniels annoying?

No. You just have to know how to deal with them.

Are Cocker Spaniels Kid Friendly?

they are good pets i have one ,coker spaniels are very friendly and are also known as family dogs , they are very intelligent and last thing how can mans best friend cannot be a good pet

How to Know If a Cocker Spaniel Is Suitable for You?

A cocker spaniel is a perfect dog for many households. However, before you decide to add one to your family, you will need to consider many factors to make sure that you are prepared to train and take care of a cocker spaniel which will accompany you to up to 15 years.As a sturdy medium-sized dog, a cocker spaniel is good either as a house pet or as a working dog. However, do not think that this means a cocker spaniel will be ideal for you. You need to consider its temperament before deciding whether a cocker spaniel will be a valuable addition to your family.In general, cocker spaniels tend to be a little bit shy, but most of them are very obedient towards their owners. If you don’t want to have a shy dog, you will need to spend extensive amount of time to socialize the dog when it is still a puppy. A cocker spaniel is good for households with young children and elderly as it has a sweet and gentle disposition. Since cocker spaniels are good work dogs by nature, they need plenty of daily exercise. They also need firm leadership, so you will need to read up on books on how to become a good pack leader.Without proper training and leadership, a cocker spaniel may develop common negative behaviors such as shyness, dominance, or submissive urinating when it is overexcited. As a result, you have to make sure that you are ready to become a good dog trainer.In addition, you should expect to devote plenty of time to groom your cocker spaniel. Pay special attention to areas under the eyes. You may choose to keep your cocker spaniel’s coat long, but it still requires daily brushing, weekly shampooing, and quarterly trimming.Cocker spaniels are prone to cataracts, liver disease, and hip dysplasia. Make sure you have the resource to take your dog for regular health check-ups.