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You can check the time (8:00PM-4:00AM=Night time. It's day after that). Or you can see the shadings of the screen; it's bright at day and darker at night.

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look at the clock on the poketech

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Q: How do you know if it is day or night in Pokemon platinum?
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How do you change day to night faster in Pokemon platinum?

totally cant

How do you tell if it is night or day Pokemon platinum?

look at the clock on the poketch

How do you know the day in Pokemon Platinum?

You need to check the date on your DS then it will be the same day on platinum it works with time as well

Were is the day care in Pokemon Platinum?

Not were, but where, the day care in Pokemon platinum is in solaceon town which northeast of hearthome city

When is night in Pokemon Platinum?

Day turns to night at 7:00 pm, or in the game, 19:00 (it does NOT turn to night at 8:00pm, or 20:00, like in Diamond and Pearl).

What day does skorupi appear in the great marsh in Pokemon platinum?

I really dont know figure it out yourself.

What Pokemon on no114 in Pokemon Platinum version?

If you mean the Pokedex number 114, it's Tangela, and can be found in the Great Marsh in Morning, Day, or Night. Hope this helped.~

How often can your Pokemon get a massage?

Once a a day in Pokemon Platinum

What day is Pokemon Platinum coming out in England?

Pokemon Platinum will be coming out in England on July 21, 2009.

How do you evolve sneasle on Pokemon platinum?

To evolve sneasel, you have to give it the item "Razor Claw" and level it up at night. It won't work at day.

Where do you find a krickitune in Pokemon platinum?

If you play the game during the day then you're out of luck. This Pokemon can only be seen at night and early morning. Trust me when I say they are all over Sinnoh.

Where to find a wooper in Pokemon platinum?

Wanna know where the Pokemon wooper in platinum is. It is in the Great Marsh in Pastoria City.(Where you fight Crasher Wake in the gym) Look around in the Marsh a bit. Remember: each day it will be random.