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Our genetic code make up, is very similar to that if the apes.

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Q: How do you know if the human being evolved from apes?
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What do you know about apes?

They are mammals, they are not monkeys but similar. They have no tails, they are pretty smart, there are different species of apes such as gorillas, orangutan's and chimpanzees and some people believe that we evolved from apes and some people don't.

Did dinosaurs live before cave men?

yes they did!oh. and did you know that cave men evolved from apes?

Why might Muslims reject the theory that human being evolved from apes?

Muslims may reject the theory of human evolution from apes due to the belief that humans were created separately by Allah in a deliberate and distinct process. Some Muslims interpret the creation story in the Quran literally, seeing no room for evolutionary processes. Additionally, the idea of common ancestry with animals may conflict with the concept of humans being created in the image of Allah.

What Human beings are?

human beings are mammals that were evolved from something but we do not know what

What is a pre simian?

Presimian is; before occurrence of anthropoid apes, just in case u want to know, anthropoid apes are manlike or human likes animals, ex: gorilla and chimpanzee..........

Why does brain coral look like a human brain I'd like to know if its possible that humans actually evolved from coral?

No. Humans evolved from a common ancestor we have with today's "great" apes (chimpanzees, orangutans, gorillas). This is proven specifically for human evolution by ERVs and the fused chromosome #2. Brain coral is just an example of Pareidolia... the phenomena of the human mind to see patterns in things that aren't really anything (like religious images in toast, faces in mountain sides, etc).

How do mommy apes have there baby apes?

how sould i know i dont work at a zoo

What do apes eat for their morning meal?

Everything. Zombies, fish heads, and human butts. You don't know who you are messing with if you encounter an ape in the morning.

Is it weird to love monkeys?

We have a common ancestor.We evolved from apes, that's why we are classified as apes today.Apes evolved from monkeys, that makes apes a type of monkey.Therefore humans are a type of monkey.We are also a type of verterbrate, simian, mammal, great ape etc etc etc Humans are NOT a type of monkey but are a type of ape. apes and monkeys are both primates and have a common but apes are not monkeys, apes didnt evolve from monkeys either but share a relatively recent common ancestor. humans are apes.

Are apes omnivors?

Yes, apes are omnivorus. For those who do not know, this means that they eat meat and fruits.

How many apes are there and what are there names?

How many species of Apes are there? Well, I know six: Gibbons, Chimpanzees, Gorillas, Bonobos, Orangutans and Humans.

Is non human primate communication true language?

Most scientists would argue that it's not. However, I don't think we know enough about it to say one way or the other. What we do know is that apes can learn human sign language, so they can understand the concepts of language.