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When the female stops laying eggs and the male stops fertilizing them.

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Q: How do you know if the male and female flowerhorn is done breeding?
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How do you know the female flowerhorn?

The female flowerhorn has less variety of colors and it is much smaller compared to male.It develops a small hump compared to the male

How to know flowerhorn male and female without see the anal?

The sexing of flowerhorn fish is not that difficult. If you cannot see the U (female) or V (male) shaped anal pores, you can still see the humps. As one might expect, the female's hump should be smaller.

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A female Betta in breeding condition will look plump and have a rounded tummy area.

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You have to introduce them to each other. IF YOU DON'T KNOW YOU SHOULDN'T BE BREEDING

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When they agree to breed, they will start jumping on top of each other. Hope this help!

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A breeding male is called a stud during mating season and a sire on the registration papers of his progeny.

How do you know which Pokemon egg you have?

In the event of you are breeding Pokémon then the Pokémon that will be in the Pokémon Egg that you will receive will be the lowest form of the Pokémon that is breeding with Ditto or the lowest form of the female parent in the event that it is breeding with the male parent however in the event of breeding a Pikachu with a Ditto or a female Pikachu with a male Pokémon then the resulting Pokémon Egg will hatch into a Pichu, a female Togetic breeding with a male parent will result into you receiving a Togepi Egg and a female Magmar breeding with a male parent will result into a Magby Egg however a female Marill breeding with a male parent or Ditto will result into a Marill Egg unless it is holding an incense item that is called the Sea Incense at which point it will result into a Pokémon Egg that will hatch into Azurill.

How do you know if your female fish is breeding?

the male would be skweesing out the eggs of the female and when the egg get sqused out they would flout up to the top of the tank on the bubble nest that the male made when it was ready to breed

Why isn't my flowerhorn grow even with 10 gallons and i feed it 2 pallets a day?

I don't know what a flowerhorn is, but if it's a plant, if you feed it too much fertilizer, it will either kill it or make the foliage grow instead of growing a flower. If you water it too much or too little, you will kill it.

How do you know when toads are breeding?

When a male toad is on top of a female toad. You can tell the difference because male toads have darker markings that a female toad. Toad's main breeding spot is at the edge of a pond or creek. The male toad sends out loud croaks and the lounder the croak, the quicker it is to get a girl!

What is the largest dog a dounchound terrier mix female can mate and have a safe delivery?

The female dog should always be bigger than the male! This ensures safe delivery! You shouldn't be breeding your dog If you do not know this

What is bieng done to protect the Swift Fox?

Answer 1 : What is being done to save Swift Owls? My answer: Alright, I don't know what the first answerer was talking about but... Whats being done is a captive breeding program for swift foxes is being built to make a better chance of survival for the Swift Foxes. In other words, people are finding Swift Foxes and taking them in, then putting a male and female together and "breeding" them. As in, setting up more mates together and making more Swift Foxes to avoid extinction. I hope this helped! :)