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if your lip turns red or its swollen that's normal , you just got to clean it . if its blue your lip jewelery is fake and that can get infected badly . . . I don't think you can get allergic ! ! !

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Q: How do you know if you are allergic to the jewelry in your lip piercing?
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Should males get a lip piercing?

any body can get a lip piercing as long if its a unisex or male stud or jewelry

What are lip rings?

A lip ring is a piece of jewelry that goes in a lip piercing. It's usually a hoop.

When can you take out the original lip piercing ring to a stud?

Wait 4-6 weeks after getting a lip piercing to change the jewelry in it

Why would you have a bubble on your three year old lip piercing?

You would have a bubble on your three year old lip piercing if the piercing is damaged or infected. The piercing can become infected if the jewelry does not fit correctly.

Is it possible that a lip piercing can be a labret to?

Labret can be used to describe any lip piercing but it's most commonly used to reer to center lower lip piercings. Labret post jewelry can be worn in any lip piercing and even ear piercings.

Do you have to have real lip jewelry when you get a lip piercing?

Well...the piercer performing the procedure will be using a sterile needle coupled with a sterilized piece of accomodating jewelry, so the question is needless.

Do you need to remove a new lip piercing when eating or sleeping?

No, do not remove the jewelry at all. It can be difficult to get the jewelry back in a new piercing, plus you could cause a rip or tear in the piercing site if you try and have trouble with it.

How much can you rotate a lip piercing?

You shouldn't rotate it at all. Granted, it probably will move a bit on its own. Bacteria settles on the parts of the jewelry that isn't in your lip and when you turn the ring that bacteria is pushed into the piercing.

Lip piercing how do you know when it is healed?

Depending on the person and location of the piercing, it can take anywhere between 2 weeks to 6 months for a lip piercing to heal. After the first 2 weeks you can change the jewelry if no infection is present. Piercers use a 14 gauge needle when piercing, so you might want to down size to a 16 gauge. To test if your piercing is fully healed (this should only be done if there is no infection. Infections mean the wound is not healed), then try removing the jewelry for 5 minutes and put it back in. If you have no trouble putting the jewelry back in and the hole has not begun to close, then try leaving it out for 20 minutes. If the hole doesn't show signs of it closing, then gradually lengthen the time the jewelry is out. A fully healed lip piercing will stay pierced even after leaving the jewelry out for a few days. There will always be a small bit of discharge around your piercing. Healthy discharge will be white, not yellow or pus-like.

What is it called if you have one lip piercing on the left side?

For your upper lip, Left is a monroe piercing. The bottom lip could just be a lip piercing, or labret piercing.

What to do if your lip piercing has closed with the jewelry still inside your lip?

If the ball on the end of the bar has closed inside your skin you will have to get it surgically removed. There is no other way of getting it out without seriously damaging your lip.

What is the normal gauge of a lip piercing?

14g is normal for a male lip piercing, 16g is normal for a female lip piercing.