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Humans have both in their bodies.

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Q: How do you know if you have white or red muscle fibers?
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Why are endurance athletes able to exercise longer than non-endurance athletes?

There are basically two types of muscle fibers in our bodies that we have voluntary control over. One is called "red" muscle, and the other is called "white". Red muscle fibers have the ability to perform work over longer periods of time without fatigue. White muscle fibers are able to work hard, but for a shorter period of time than red fibers. An endurance athlete will have exercised his or her red muscle fibers (through long exercise sessions), so that they grow stronger and bigger. This means that their body will have the ability to do work for much longer than a person who only exercises for shorter periods (and exercises their white muscle fibers).

What exercise best represents the use of red muscle fibers?

Basically the time under stress brings in red muscle or the slow twitch fibers into action. If the movement is controlled and the set goes longer the red fibers are used.. If the movement is explosive and heavy then the white fibers are used. For example squatting for 15 rep range incorporates red fibers of the thighs very well

What limited red muscle fiber size?

The strength of joints limits the size of red muscle fibers.

Which muscle fibers are best suited for running a marathon?

Type I (red) muscle fibers, which have slow oxidative characteristics, are those primarily called on for long-distance running. These are more commonly referred to as 'slow-twitch' muscle fibers.

What gives oxidative muscle fibers their red colour?

Presence of myoglobin

What make the skeletal muscle bright red?

Because muscles need a lot of ATP for muscle contraction and it needs oxygen to make ATP, it has its own form of hemoglobin called myoglobin. The binding of oxygen to hemo(myo)globin is what gives the characteristic red color in both RBCs and muscle tissue.

Is weightlifting using white muscle or red muscle?

weight lifting uses white muscle. Red muscle is used for longer sustained, repetitive movements, like long distance running.

How are aspects of physics involved with a baseball swing?

if you use a wieghted bat before u hit then u are actually doing more harm than good. because the weighted bat has to use the red muscle fibers in your arm ur bat speed is actually slower. In your muscle u have to types of fibers white and red, red is for endurance and white is for quik and fast motions. In a baseball swing u have to swing quik rather than many times so swinging a weighted bat trains the wrong muscles and then when u get to the plate u use the wrong muscle fibers. Although it only effects about 1 mph on ur swing speed it still makes a difference

What is the name of the muscle that works for a long time?

It is not the muscle but the muscle fiber which works for when recruited for long duration. The red muscle fiber or the slow twitch fiber gets recruited for long term stress on the muscle for example if you do bench press on heavy weight explosively for 5 reps you extensively use fast twitch fibers but if you do bench flys for 15 reps in controlled fashion, you extensively use red fibers.

What is Mioclonic epilepsy with ragged red fibers?

Myoclonic epilepsy with ragged-red fibers, also known as MERRF is a mitochondrial disorder (therefore, it is maternally inherited) which affects many parts of the body but in particular, muscle and the nervous system. MERRF is usually characterized by muscle twitches (hence, myoclonus), muscle weakness and generally patients experience progressive stiffness or spasticity.

What is the difference between fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscle fibers?

ofcourse not; slow twitch muscle fibers are: * smaller in diameter * red in color * depend on oxidative phosphorylation for their ATP supply * are highly vascularized (better blood supply) * have more mitochondria * more myoglobin fast twitch muscle fibers * larger * white * glycolysis is the source of ATP * less vascularized * less mitochondria * less myoglobin

Compare slow oxidative to fast glycolytic muscles fibers?

Slow twitch: These muscle fibers are also known as Type 1. Slow twitch muscle fibers are generally fatigue resistant and have a high capacity for aerobic energy supply, but they have limited potential for rapid force development. They are red because all of the blood that goes through them due to their high level capillarizention. They are not easily injured and they can handle extreme amount of work and do not fatigue easily. Slow twitch muscle fibers rely on oxygen as their main energy source. These muscle fibers contract slowly and can be used for longer periods of time before they fatigue. Therefore, slow twitch fibers are great at helping athletes run marathons and bicycle for hours.Fast glycolytic: Fast glycolytic or Type 2b are also fast twitch white muscle fibers but these muscle fibers have a very low tolarance to fatigue and need a high period of recovry after use. However, they are extremely powerful and explosive fibers and are the ones involved in activities like power lifting, the pitch of a baseball, javelin throwing, shot putting, the beginning of a sprint, etc.