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It would be fairly unusual for anyone in a country where computer and internet access is common and who doesn't have bizarre eating habits to need a dietary supplement. If you're really concerned about it, you could go to a physician and have your blood tested. But odds are very good that you're getting all the nutrients you need from your diet already.

A couple of special cases:

If you're pregnant, it's probably a good idea to take some pregnancy vitamins, just in case... an adult or child can usually go quite a while on low levels of certain vitamins before it becomes a serious problem, but a developing fetus is a different story; vitamin deficiencies at crucial development periods can cause all sorts of problems.

If you're a vegetarian or especially if you're vegan, you need vitamin B12; it doesn't naturally occur in plants. There are things in plants that are similar enough to B12 to fool simple tests, but they're not similar enough to fool your body. B12 is the product of bacteria found in the guts of animals, and exists in small amounts in all animal tissues, but if you're not eating animal flesh at all then you'll need to get it in pill form (also, Vegemite ... specifically Vegemite, not necessarily other things LIKE Vegemite ... contains B12, because it's specifically added; the B12 in Vegemite is "vegan" because it comes from bacterial fermentation tanks, not from animals). This is complicated somewhat because plants tend to be chock-full of vitamin B6, and there's some (but not complete) overlap between what B6 and B12 do, so lots of B6 can "mask" the effects of B12 deficiency to some extent. Until the full-blown neurological problems start.

If you're a 17th century sailor (or eat like one), you need vitamin C, because you're not eating enough fresh fruits and vegetables to get it that way.

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Herbal supplements are not for everybody. They can assist in healing with certain illnesses but can also have adverse side effects when taken with prescription medication.

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